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HELP ME!!!! 76c WTF????

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Apr 17, 2001
Friggin comp is nutz, first off I got my new MC-462A HSF w/ Sanyo Denki Fan. So went to try it out, Craked my Abit KT7A - Raid mobo :( So , I installed my other mobo KT7-Raid. I also have a 1.2 Tbird.

So i installed everything, went to Bios and it says i can only go to 1gig???? When i was at 1330 before, so i try an manually do it , and it won't boot up. So i take it back down to !gig :(, at 1.75v default. Only wanted to start in safe mode.

So when i got to check my cpu temp in Viahm.exe it says 76c, yes i dbl checked it wasn't F, then i go to SiSandra and it says 36.2c And i still think this is high,and WTF is goin on now between Viahm and SiSandra, which is correct?

And if it was really at 76c, my chip woulda fried by now.

I also put AS2 on with a credit card.And lapped the MC-462A with AS2

Remove the MC-462A carefully and examine the baseplate. Was the AS squished out of the area above the CPU core, implying you have adequate mating pressure between the two? If you have not already done so, you may need to not use the shoulder washer between the motherboard and the stand-offs on the top side. This is well documented on the Swiftech web site and should have come on a piece of paper in the box with your MC-462A. If there is evidence that you have adequate pressure between the the MC-462A and your CPU core, yet you still encounter high temps, then I am at a loss as to what might be causing the problem.

I'm sure hoot has more experience here, but did you do a completely fresh install when you swtiched to the other Mobo? I've had major problems trying to switch components from one board to another without fdisking, reformating, and reinstalling the OS.
Ok, i'll try that Hoot, there was no real instructions on the washers, so on the screws i put one washer on either side of the spring, then tightened to a snug fit . I'll check the AS to see if its smooth.
No, the washers on the springs are not the issue. The issue is how high the stand-offs sit above your motherboard surface. If they are too high, the bottom of the heatsink will rest upon them before it rests adequately upon the core. With some motherboards, the holes where you install the stand-offs are plated and tinned. This adds a small amount of height to the stand-offs that is not encountered with a motherboard that does not have plated/tinned holes. The stand-offs normally mount with one plastic flat washer between them and the motherboard on the top side of the motherboard. If your holes are plated/tinned, you should not use that plastic flat washer. Check out the Swiftech Web page for more information about this, if I am not being clear. http://www.swiftnets.com

Ok, well its fixed now. i guess i when i tightened them the plastic nuts didnt tighten , real tight so they just spun. So i had to tighten them as tight as possible.

Also , i still don't know which temp monitor to go by, SiSandra or Viahm.

I have 2 80mm fans sucking in from the front, 2 80mm sucking out the back and 2 120mm in the door blowing in.

Viahm temp : cpu 41c idle
SiSandra : cpu 30.7c idle

I mean which is correct?

I'd think with all those fans and the MC-462A, the 30.7 would be correct.
I would trust Via over SiSoft. I use Via on one of my boards and it is always the same as the BIOS temps. I would also try motherboard monitor, MBM4 or MBM5...you can download them here:

You might have to adjust the temps a little for MBM...there is a tab to adjust the temp up or down to equal the BIOS. The best way to do this is to go into the BIOS...watch your idle temp in the BIOS for board and CPU and then, once back in your Windows, adjust the temps for MBM board and CPU to the BIOS temps...good luck
I have found that the VIA HWM that comes with the KT7A is a great utility. You can believe the temps it gives you to be associated with the correct sensor. That is not always the case with third party monitor programs, at least until you set them up properly.
