The other day I took out a stick of 512mb pc133 that I sold to my friend for him to upgrade from pc100. I had ordered a stick of 512mb pc2700 a few days before for myself to upgrade. While waiting for the new memory to come I wanted to play a little Counter Strike so I put in 2 older "known good" sticks of pc100 but she wouldnt boot. All I got is high tone followed by a low tone, almost like a Euro police car. So I have tried unplugging everything but the cpu, hsf to see what happens and nothing. Same problem. I'm running a brand new Biostar M7VIG-PRO 100/133 fsb w/mobo set on 133fsb, AMD -2100, coolmaster HAC-V81, DVD, CD-RW, floppy,and fan controller. Everything is less then 2 months old including an Antec SLK2600 w/300w ps. I just got the pc2700 only to find out that my mobo only take up to the 266 stuff not the 333 that I ordered. So instead of trying to return it I order a new Abit NF7-M so that I can have more flexibility to OC it a bit. But Im afraid that there is something wrong with either my cpu of biostar mobo.
Any idea's,
Any idea's,