You can not adjust the multiplier at all on Intel's chips.
Turn on the PCI/AGP lock in the BIOS before overclocking, your board may not have this though.
Your RAM is at 166x2=DDR333 which is PC2700
Your processor is at 100x4=400.
If you increase your FSB by 1mhz it will then be: 101x4=404bus
FSB is before you multiply it by four,and bus is after you multiply it, I was sooo confused when I first learned that.
When they say P4 800mhz FSB, they are lying.
Just increase them both as high as you possibly can.
You should be able to easily get 2ghz out of your system. I would even bet more.
But remember to increase voltages if it doesn't work. increase in small increments only. And of course, cooling.