Hello, I am hoping that somebody here can help me! Though I am not sure if this is the right forum/section to ask but I can't really find anywhere else and am really stuck!
Basically me and my bf are looking to buy all of the parts for a gaming PC, we will get 1 PC each and want them to be the same just to make things easier, we want to buy one this month and then the same again next month.
I know very little about computers other than how to work them when I am logged in! I asked 2 online friends about which parts to get, so they could just link me a list of parts which would all fit together and make a decent gaming PC (I would pay somebody from a computer store to put it all together).
Our budget is around £750 max per computer, but ideally that should include shipping too (we live in the UK) We would use the computer for gaming, ideally to play new/demanding games with high settings - though not sure if this is affordable to our price range? Atm we play between us, WoW, Guild Wars 2, Assassin's Creed, Final Fantasy, Rift, CoD, Skyrim, stuff like that so nothing TOO demanding but all the games mentioned we currently play on low settings and have some annoying fps lag since our current PCs are so poo.
The list that a friend linked was this http://uk.pcpartpicker.com/p/1tnZ4 and he said it should be able to play all those games and more at high settings. Upon speaking to another 'friend' he said he had made a list which would be 10 times better than the one I linked above, and for the same price, but he refuses to link that list to me for some unknown reason - is he trying to show off or is there actually some stuff that is 10 times better for a similar price that I can buy online? 2nd friend knows more about computers than the first friend so I now want to properly check and see what I can get before spending so much money.
Also was told that I can use my current harddrive with windows on to save buying a new copy of windows? But then would want another harddrive aswell as that if the windows thing does work, otherwise would need to buy 2 new ones. As I said I know NOTHING about computers and unsure if this is the place to ask, but would really really reaaaaally appreciate if someone could help me and link a similar list of all of the parts that are needed to build a PC (and all the parts will actually work together) that I can buy online and then take into a shop to be assembled? I did find some websites that kinda linked parts together but I still don't know if I'm getting my money's worth or if it'll work. Would feel much safer if I can get opinions and help from people who actually know what they're talking about!
Forever grateful to anyone that can help me!!!
PS. I read the "Guide to helping you choose your components" thread but it seems old and is like reading a different language to me as I have no idea what anything means, the only thing I know is how to go to the checkout on a website when I have parts in the shopping basket lol
Basically me and my bf are looking to buy all of the parts for a gaming PC, we will get 1 PC each and want them to be the same just to make things easier, we want to buy one this month and then the same again next month.
I know very little about computers other than how to work them when I am logged in! I asked 2 online friends about which parts to get, so they could just link me a list of parts which would all fit together and make a decent gaming PC (I would pay somebody from a computer store to put it all together).
Our budget is around £750 max per computer, but ideally that should include shipping too (we live in the UK) We would use the computer for gaming, ideally to play new/demanding games with high settings - though not sure if this is affordable to our price range? Atm we play between us, WoW, Guild Wars 2, Assassin's Creed, Final Fantasy, Rift, CoD, Skyrim, stuff like that so nothing TOO demanding but all the games mentioned we currently play on low settings and have some annoying fps lag since our current PCs are so poo.
The list that a friend linked was this http://uk.pcpartpicker.com/p/1tnZ4 and he said it should be able to play all those games and more at high settings. Upon speaking to another 'friend' he said he had made a list which would be 10 times better than the one I linked above, and for the same price, but he refuses to link that list to me for some unknown reason - is he trying to show off or is there actually some stuff that is 10 times better for a similar price that I can buy online? 2nd friend knows more about computers than the first friend so I now want to properly check and see what I can get before spending so much money.
Also was told that I can use my current harddrive with windows on to save buying a new copy of windows? But then would want another harddrive aswell as that if the windows thing does work, otherwise would need to buy 2 new ones. As I said I know NOTHING about computers and unsure if this is the place to ask, but would really really reaaaaally appreciate if someone could help me and link a similar list of all of the parts that are needed to build a PC (and all the parts will actually work together) that I can buy online and then take into a shop to be assembled? I did find some websites that kinda linked parts together but I still don't know if I'm getting my money's worth or if it'll work. Would feel much safer if I can get opinions and help from people who actually know what they're talking about!
Forever grateful to anyone that can help me!!!
PS. I read the "Guide to helping you choose your components" thread but it seems old and is like reading a different language to me as I have no idea what anything means, the only thing I know is how to go to the checkout on a website when I have parts in the shopping basket lol