Hi, I've set up Motherboard Monitor 5 to monitor temps in my system, but I'm having a bit of a difficulty deciphering which temperature is which. I have a Soyo SY-6BA+IV with a celeron 600 @1050. I have three temperature readings to show, one pretty much always reads 28, one 54, and one 65. Now I would assume that 28 is ambient temp, and 54 cpu temp, and I don't know what 65 is. Anyhow, I have reason to believe that 54 for the cpu is wrong, as if I restart and quickly go into the bios, I sit at between 27-33 there, the cpu can't lose 20 degrees celcius in the time it takes to restart. Can anyone help me figure out if these numbers are accurate, or another way of measuring them without installing a thermometer? TIA.