I recently received an Amd 1200 Thunderbird with a 266 FSB and an ASUS A7A266 mother board and had my roomate install it for me. After I installed the temperature gauge it notified me that my CPU temp was about 65C. Then it was beeping at me saying I was over the critical temp. I took the side off of my case and had my room fan air out the case and the temp went down to around 60C. So I took the fan and heat sink off and noticed the cpu is halfway melted around the core, my roomate put the heat sink on the wrong way! I scraped off the melted tape and applied thermal gel from Radio Shack and put the heat sink on the right way this time but the temp still reads 58C, isn't this kinda high? I am just using the fan and heat sink that came with the chip. Thanks for your help!