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hi i am looking to make a new gaming pc are these parts good?

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ok... this thread went about the way i expected it to. Someone wants an AMD chip, and the forum spends the next 4 pages telling him an intel can do it better for cheaper (which is true sometimes) then pushes square pegs into round holes when the OP says he needs certain things an AMD can do well, which is why he wants one.
Good call...[/sarcasm]

Anyway, It depends on the applications you use. If they make heavy use of more than 4 threads, then the PD is the way to go. If its quad or less, I would go 2500K/3570K.
Just trying to get the best he can afford.
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ok... this thread went about the way i expected it to. Someone wants an AMD chip, and the forum spends the next 4 pages telling him an intel can do it better for cheaper (which is true sometimes) then pushes square pegs into round holes when the OP says he needs certain things an AMD can do well, which is why he wants one.

OP... understand Intel does produce far better chips then AMD for "single threaded" tasks. For the money, pound for pound, intel has the best gaming CPU out there (or pair of them depending on how you look at it). Now that this disclamer is out of the way.

all the 3d cad software running concurently, depending on how you're using it can be a beast on a high end multicore system. AMD certainly CAN play in that feild quite well. For the money this is the sweet point in the new FX chips price/performance frankly. Considering a new FX 8350/6300 will give you a responsive and excellent high end gaming experience (all be it a few frames slower then an intel chip) as well as blow a comparitive intel chip out of the water in the high end cad functions they make an excellent option for you.

So... since your goal is a "gaming capable" Cad number crunching chip an FX makes a lot of sense. So lets make it fit your budget.

CPU: AMD FX-6300 ($129.99 @ Amazon)
CPU Cooler: Cooler Master Hyper 212 EVO ($24.99 @ Newegg)
MB: Biostar TA970XE ($99.99 @ Amazon)
Memory: G.Skill Sniper 8GB ($34.98 @ Outlet PC)
SSD: Crucial M4 128GB ($99.99 @ B&H)
HD: Seagate Barracuda 2TB ($89.99 @ NCIX US)
GPU: Gigabyte Radeon HD 7870 ($229.99 @ Amazon)
Case: Cooler Master Elite 311 (Black) ATX Mid Tower Case w/420W Power Supply ($59.99 @ NCIX US)

Total: $769.91

That's inside your budget... and would be a great feature rich gaming pc as well. If you have a few dollars more laying around upgrading that CPU to an 8350 would show you stronger multitasking processing.

Oh snap then i will get the amd this is the kind of post i needed thank you very much
Good call...[/sarcasm]

Just trying to get the best he can afford.


I was pretty clear that the intel is an excellent chip. It is superior in a lot of ways.

However, the OP wanted an AMD. He doesn't like intel... and made it clear throughout the thread. Furthermore, the usage he wanted to put the chip to does play to an AMD's strong point. I have no problem suggesting an i5 or i7 when someone wants to video encode. But when someone is operating on a budget, wants to game, and needs to multitask 4 heavy duty programs at the same time, an AMD makes perfect sense (particularly because amd motherboards tend to be cheaper, and certain chips tend to overperform their comparable intel competition at their price points for multithreaded tasks)

Why should the advice always be "take intel" when a FX6300 will overclock easily up to the performance points of a stock i5-3570k? when that same chip will match a stock i7-3770k in multi-threaded aps? for $130 that chip should be one of the first ones suggested. (sure an overclocked version of those intel chips will walk away from it but for the money you can't beat that value). How about a fx 8350? it costs 10-20 less if you hunt for a deal then an intel i5-3570k or i5-2500k... and is nearly as good when overclocked in single threaded aps, while superior to pretty much every intel offering in multithreaded apps. Thats a heavy lifting chip.

I'm not saying AMD has better chips. Frankly if money isn't a concern, and the OP doesn't care where the chip comes from Intel probably makes the most sense in 95% of cases. However, this is not the case in this thread. The OP clearly doesn't like intel, and his computer needs can be met for cheaper and nearly as well with AMD.
os so i chose all my parts an now i am wondering which processor to get the 965 black edition or the fx6300 i can not get the 8320 because my laptop got fixed but it cost me 470 euros/600 dollars so i can not afford the 8320
You may want to check out that link I posted... :thup:

some guy in germany has a 8320 which he used only once to benchmark it and he is selling it for the same price of a new 6300 so i will propably get that one
EDIT: he already sold it i will get the 6300 then
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ok so i built it and sold it today a friend of mine asked if he could buy it also is there a beter graphicscard than the 7850 1GB for far cry 3
Oye... Nothing in that case, well nothing NEW. The 7850 is already like $170...
Thats around $200 USD (US based site, no clue on conversion rates or sites you shop at so have to use this). SO perhaps a cheap 7870... but you know the models that peform better, so you should be able to pick based on that, unless you are going used. To that end, a 6970, and 570 are about the only things better that may be around that price for previous generation cards.
ok so i ordered nearly all pars but i have one last question which is beter the 965 black edition with a ssd (sandisk 64gb) and a couple of regular harddrives(seagate barracuda and WD blue) or a fx 6300 with a couple of harddrives(a seagate barracuda, and a WD blue) (no ssd)
Ok people i have decided not to go amd and will build a intel machine but i need some help deciding which processor to buy the intel 2600 non k or the 2500k or the 3570k the i7 cost 125 and the other ones are 160 here are the rest of the specs
Asrock pro4 or extreme4 please help me choose
Xilence 680watt psu i measured it with an osciloscope at my dad's home and it is a stable one
Msi 6870 twin frozer
Coolermaster haf 912+ or zalman z11+
Corsair vengeance 8 gb
This machine with the i7 costs 450 euros and with the i5 495 and cooling so 535
get the i7-2600 if you aren't planning to overclock the system.

get either the i5-2500k or i5-3570k if you are planning to overclock. The 2500k will overclock better, the 3570k will be slightly more power efficient and should match the 2500k closely when overclocked.