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Macel (Jul 10, 2001 11:08 p.m.):
Hey I just noticed you have an A7M mobo, so do I. I compared my 3dmark score to that of a "slower" system which beat mine and I noticed that the only thing I really fell behind in was the high polygon count. Strange... I believe the slower system was a pentium 3 933 mhz system with a similar video card to mine (leadtek geforce 2 gts)..
I know the A7M is supposed to be a top performer so maybe we are doing something wrong with our mobos? I know that the southbridge on the A7M is via, so maybe we should install the 4 in 1 drivers and see what happens? Not likely to make much a difference as far as the AGP goes though,since thats on the northbridge I think... I may look around for a more current version of the AGP miniport driver as well. I have no idea what else could be going on, I certainly hope it is not just a slow board. I was told otherwise by quite a few people.
Here's my system and 3dmark2001 score:
AMD athlon tbird 1.33ghz w/ 266mhz fsb
Asus A7M266, running in "turbo" mode (havent messed with any other settings, except agp aperture - 128)
256 Megs micron pc2100 DDR SDRAM running fine at 2 x 2 x 2
Leadtek Geforce 2 GTS 64mb card w/ 12.41 detonator drivers, core running at 220mhz and memory running at 366 mhz juusst fine..
(after turning details off and what not)
score: about 3500-3600
I really think it could be a little better, I'd expect the athlon 1.33 to push it up to just over 4000, wouldn't you think?
Macel (Jul 11, 2001 11:01 a.m.):
Whats the brand name of the ram in your system? is it micron? I called the asus tech support and they said that some name brands dont work well in the a7m266 motherboards...micron being one in particular. They said that mushkin, corsair micro, and unijen are all supported brands...
Superman53142 (Jul 11, 2001 11:26 a.m.):
I'm only getting 5.0 MTriangles/second. Is that bad? My score is 3124 with a Radeon LE with registry tweak at 195/195. Here's the link. I've got a 1000mhz t-bird not overclocked.
you can get the 12.90 driversMacel (Jul 11, 2001 08:52 a.m.):
Oh, and where can I get the 12.90 drivers? I don't see them listed on the nvidia page?
What bios revision are you running? I am using 261004a (it says it near the top of the screen every time you first start up)