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Horror games...

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Hum... i guess I'll give undying a go:):):) I'm getting the DEmo from HERE Getting some good speed too @least 130KB/sec :) I hope it's worth the 98MB download, hehe. :) Thanks guys :)
Well I dl'd and played the Undying demo(I waited until it was dark to play it;)). It was a pretty cool game but wasn't too freaky. It was a really short demo and would probably like the full game a lot more. I think the Resident Evils were scarier and the ones coming out for the GC look absolutely pi$$ your pants freaky. I don't know, this might just be my opinion. Anyone check out the trailers for the RE for the GC? The oldest ones are much, just show a few of the environments, but the newer ones are awesome! C'mon there's got to be someone willing to look at these and tell me what they think, they are pretty cool i swear. I would just like to have some more people's opinions on this plz;).

Yep Resident Evil looks sweet so far for the GC, I for one will be glad when it gets here. I bought a GC a month or so ago and have been ****ed at the lack of games so far, compared to the XBOX which probably has 3-4 times more games.

BTW, you can get Undying at most places for under 15 bucks, which is a good price IMO. Be warned though, the final boss is one of the hardest to beat compared to other games I have played.
Horror games are my favorite....I've played the demo of Undying and it freaked me out a little. However, nothing has scared me as much as Silent Hill 1 and 2 (for Playstation and PS2, respectively). After playing those games at night I couldn't sleep and jumped at every little noise in the house. :)
cornbread said:

Yep Resident Evil looks sweet so far for the GC, I for one will be glad when it gets here. I bought a GC a month or so ago and have been ****ed at the lack of games so far, compared to the XBOX which probably has 3-4 times more games.

Thanks cornbread. Atleast someone likes me around here;) Ya Nintendo doesn't have a big library out right now, but if you look at what's coming pretty soon, then you won't be disapointed. No offence to xbox fans but none of their games that they have right now really interest me except Halo. That's why I got the cube. It has original games and just plain fun ones. Just my opinion on the subject.
Krome said:
What is on the "Undying" demo? I can't get past the "church-past" on the full version. :mad:

The demo is very short. You're in a mansion and then you go into this other dimension or something and fight an ugly boss. Then you go where these steps appear as you walk and that's about it. So, I'm afraid I can't help you =\
Just picked up undying from BestBuy last night for $15 since everyone is all pumped up about it.

You guys should've warned me that it also came with a complimentary pair of "brown pants".

Freaky game gotta admit. Had to stop cuz' it gave me chills.. looking forward to continue and getting freaked out tonite with a good coating of super absorbant pampers and my momzy to hold my hand.

I would recommend silent hill 2. The sounds you hear in this game scare you out of your pants. On Xbox (as much as I hate Xbox) has 5.1 surround so you deffinatly get the willies. Another scary game is banjo and kazuee(sp) that cutesy bear and his bird friend scare the bejesus out of me!!!
ahaha my friend just called me tonight and asked for something like this :D i think im going to go get it... got the demo now dled it at 350ks a sec so it only took me about 7 min :D.. going to play it tomarrow.. if i like it im going to EB :D
Ozzman said:
ahaha my friend just called me tonight and asked for something like this :D i think im going to go get it... got the demo now dled it at 350ks a sec so it only took me about 7 min :D.. going to play it tomarrow.. if i like it im going to EB :D

I picked it up @ Circuit City for $10.
I've only seen Undying for about $15. Still a bargain.

Also, Fatal Frame for the PS2 is great. Kinda like Pokemon Snap of the Dead, only scary. Some good stuff!
ok if anyone has played KISS PSHYCO CIRCUS then my friend wants something like that.. something with a good story line and everything..
Ozzman said:
o cool is it still 10 bucks?

Funny thing is that I wanted a "price match" to Best Buy that had it for $14.99. The sticker on it said $39.99, but when the manager [Circuit City] scanned it the price was already @ $9.99. Excellent, call ahead and have them scan for the price if all else fails... start a price-war between Circuit City and Best Buy, I always do. :argue: