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how did you do it AZZKICKER?

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stool (Mar 28, 2001 01:00 a.m.):
AZZKICKER, did this actually increase your wattage to the total rating of the 2 PSUs?

wattage definatly increased! i now have a 800watt system! 2* 300 and a 200 powering the drives! as you can imagin this helps with those power hungry athlons :) :) :) :) 8)

i put it like this

before when my system was under load my delta's would have one RPM and under idel had anouther RPM

like 400 RPM differnce

now no diference at all

also all my lock up problems and all my sparatic reboots went away !!!!!!!!!

and also to add im a electronic engineer and trust me i made one big 600 watter out of 2 300 watters

just like this

get 2 12 volt power supplys from radio shack and load on down till it goes in to protection mode....then add the second on ( positive to positive and negitive to negitive) and put the same load on it

should hold that load because when you put DC together in parrell it add Amper's and not voltage !

say if your voltage is 12 volts and with one power supply puts out a 10 amp to that 12 volt line you have 120 watts

when you add anouther say anouther 10 amps power supply it will now be 12 x 20 = 240 watts

hope this helps

go to the book store and get a book on Basic electronics book that talks about DC voltage indepth
Yes you are correct in saying that if you splice the cables you will add the two wattages together,

What you need to be carefull of is that both power supplys are switched mode, they try and regulate the voltage and current draw of each of the supply voltages,

Each one will be fighting against the other to control the voltage and current draw to keep the system stable.
A better way would be to use the second psu to run the drives etc, just join the Black cables to avoid interferance, and use a relay to connect the control cable to turn it on at the same time as the other one so they start together.