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How do I cool this rig?

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New Member
Jun 15, 2001
I have an Iwill KK266 board with a 1gig Athlon, not overclocked, and an Alpha 6035 w/the Delta fan sucking air through the heatsink. I have an 80mm fan in the rear of the case for exhaust and an 80mm fan in the lower front for intake. I have an Enermax PS with the 2 fans and it sucks some of the hot air out of the case. I also have a small blower that I taped inside the front and pointed towards the lower part of the heatsink (where it sucks air in), and a sunon 60mm fan taped to the side and blowing cool air from the lower part up towards the CPU.
The board has a temp sensor inside the socket that looks like it comes in contact with the CPU when its installed. I got one of the Compu-Nurse temp sensors and trimmed the coating stuff off and then stuck it under the heatsink and pushed it in to touch the CPU. The temps I would get from this would be about 10 C to 15 C degrees hotter than the sensor under the chip. It runs at 52 to 54 at an idle according to the sensor stuck under the heatsink while MBM5 says it is running 44 to 46 (I assume MBM5 is reading the sensor under the chip). Under load the sensor under the heatsink reads 60 to 63 and the MBM5 reads 51 to 52. The room temp is around 28C and the case temp is 30 according to MBM. The temp will only go down about 1 degree when I take the cover off the case. No matter where I put the fans and where I aim them, I can't get the temp any lower.

I just put this Athlon in 2 days ago and before that I had a Duron 750. MBM said that it would run about 42 at an idle and 48 at load. The sensor under the heatsink said the Duron would run 48 at idle and 54 at load.

Last night I was moving the sensor around under the heatsink to see if I had a hot spot or something like that and some places it would read in the 60's and 70's. Now I'm really getting worried and don't know which sensors to believe. After reading LOTS of the posts here, it seems that I'm running to hot, but I don't know what else to do to cool this thing down. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
If you are willing to cut a hole or holes in your case do the following:
1) Reverse the flow of air on your HSF so that it blows on the heatsink.
2) Cut a hole in the side of your case over the HSF. Use a 92 mm fan for best results.
3) Install 92mm fan inside case so it blow cold outside air onto HSF.
4) Make "pipe" of carton or other suitable material and put onto 92mm fan and tape together. Make sure there is less than 1/2'' space between pipe end and HSF to ensure cold air is focussed on HSF.
5)Remove onther internal fans apart from front bottom and extraction fan.
6) If case buils up heat. Cut hole in top of case and extract air with another 92mm fan.

Hope this helps.

If you want more extreme cooling go to Hoot article on air cooling or get water.
Thanks for the help.:)
I got to thinking while wrapping a Father's Day present, the tube the wrapping paper comes on would probably make a great duct, so I'm gonna cut up one of those tubes and try to duct some cold air onto the HSF.