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How do I know what voltage to use?

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Feb 2, 2001
I am building an Athlon 1.2ghz on an ABit KT7-A motherboard with 256meg 133 sdram. I understand multipliers and FSB adjustments, but I have no clue how to determine appropriate voltage settings. I've read a ton, I see what other people are doing, but I don't know how/why or what the best/correct voltage adjustments should be.

Any help?

Thanks in advance.
That's where the fun of overclocking comes in. Every chip is different...you'll have to experiment to see where your system runs stable. I recommend upping the multiplier in small increments and see how high you can run stable with a given voltage....then up the voltage a little and see if you can get a higher speed, etc.
OK. Right now I have a Duron 800 which is running stable at 880 by upping the fsb to 110. I have not yet changed the voltage, and temperature is not yet an issue. Are you suggesting that I could try to up to 115 or 120 fsb, at which pooint I will probably be unstable - then try upping the voltage until I once again gain stability. Then continue on and on until temperature becomes the limiting factor?
basically. other parts may cause a problem also such as the HD, RAM, etc. It takes a while to find the "sweet spot" for any particular setup.
Good luck getting the FSB to run that fast. Try upping the multiplier to 8.5 or 9.0 and starting the FSB back at 0. Then go ahead and push it up a bit at a time.