week into my first time overclocking
damn...now i have my 1700+ @ 2205 w/ 1.65vcore (200fsb, multi11)...i changed my hsf now using TB retail box heatsink/ys tech 70mm fan...gave me temps idle/load at 44/49...so, running prime95 for 3hrs...stable??? im new to prime95...think i need some input this way i know system is actually being burnin and stessed for stability...more on my overclock when i get my slk800...wonder what i can achieve with this...thinking i may be able to clock at 2400 coz i've booted up to desktop before it froze...also running 1.75vcore with temps idle/load at 51/???...didnt have a chance to view load temp...well, 2205 stable at 1.65vcore with my current hsf...hopefully...thanx to all who post on overclockers forum!!!