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How do you get image of "screen capture" for benchmark results?

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Feb 12, 2001
Miami, FL
I just finally got this new system up and running and I'm benchmarking with SANDRA 2001 and 3DMark2000 and 2001. I would like to be able to capture an image of the sreen results so I can post them online.

Also, Can some of you please post your SANDRA 2001, 3DMark2000, and 3DMark2001 results so I can compare? My results stink!
T'is easy. Press the print screen button on your keyboard. Then open up a paint program or MS Word and paste. Save it and then when you post check the box above the post button that says preview. Then you can attach the file, just like an email.
** More info on this.....

Ideally you would want to hit Alt+Print Scrn while at the screen
you want to grab.

This will capture just the open windows contents, and not the
whole desktop.

You would then open paint as mentioned above, and click on
Edit/Paste. Then save the bmp file.

Before attempting to upload any of the images here, you should
most likely convert them to jpg format some kinda way.

Hope this helps...

btw I get 2500 or so with 3dMark 2000
Shadow, I notice that my attached file disappeared when the
message got moved.

What be up wid dat ?

Just wondering......
Well, others have already told you haow to take the screen capture using the "ALT + print screen" key combo. As for the paint program I recommend . Irfanview. It's more of an Image viewing program, but it will allow you to save the image to a wide variety of Image formats. It's also free which is always a nice bonus.

A nice tip is to convert the Image to a 16 color GIF file. Notice, I said 16 color, not 16bit color. This will make it smaller and more modem friendly. If you think about it most of these benchmarks programs display their results in a widow that only uses a few colors. So, there's really no need to use 24bit color when your image only contains 3 or 4 colors. If it looks too bad with only 16 colors then try using 256 colors. 256 colors can actually be pretty good sometimes because it's palletized. Anyway, 256 colors will be perfectly sufficent just for posting screen caps of benchmark results and the page you post them on will load alot faster for those without a highspeed connection.