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How effective are Side-Mount Case Fans?

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Feb 27, 2002
Im getting an Antec-Type 1040 case and will have 4 case fans, with the 2 front fans being Sunon 50CFM. I will have a 1.4 T-Bird and will slowly O/C it as much as possible.....I am looking into cutting a hole in the side of the case (or letting Directron cut one for $20) and mounting a good fan in there for extra cooling, I guess a 92 or 120mm??

My question is would I really need this extra fan.......and how much of a difference (in degrees) will it make?

Thanks for any advise.....
it would make a lot of difference. especially if you duct it
right on to the CPU HSF. its nice to have ambient
temps right on the cpu. yodums would probably tell
you more about ducting, but the whole should be easy
to cut. a dremmel or whole saw would work fine.
I agree. It can make a big difference. Make sure that the
side-panel fan in blowing IN and that the HSFan is blowing
onto the HS. You don't want the two fighting each other.:)
I say this because one of the continual debates is if you
should set you HS Fan to "suck or blow."
I got a new case with a side fan that is 80mm and it cools the CPU by 5c without a duct. Ya it's worth it :cool: :) ;)
Thanks guys, I was just reading a post http://forum.oc-forums.com/vb/showthread.php?s=&threadid=64817 on ducting and Really like this idea ... it seems pretty simple too....This set-up http://www.isomedia.com/homes/color/oc/case008.jpg seems like a simple PVC peice super glued to the side going to about 1" away from the HSF!!! Wow!! And alomst 10c cooler! Wouldn't this set-up be the best way to lower the CPU temps?

I will probably order my case normal for now and check out the temps for a week... Then will take the side off, measure and cut the hole :D

Now, which would be a good fan to put there and what size?
Also, what is all this I hear about "filters"? I was gonna get a metal grill to cover the outside of the case but thats it....
Filters are a good idea on the intake fans, so you don't get a bunch of dust sucked into the machine. For the intakes on the front of my box I'm using floor-vent filters, 20 (not using 20 all at one time, they come in a package of 20) for like $3. I've heard of people using the aluminum fan filters you can find at computer shops or Fry's, or the other round-type filters that look similar to a shower head. Others use furnace filters and even used panty hose (the one plus to this is that it comes in tons of colors, one is bound to look alight on the outside of a case).

A filter isn't going to guarantee a dust-free case, it'll just keep it from collecting so quickly.
When I get my XP (tax refund come to poppa NOW please!) I'm sticking a 92mm Fan in the side of the case, taking off the CPU fan, and ducting it right onto the heatsink. Going to use a dollar store sieve for a "bug eye" filter/guard Possibly some air con filter foam stuck inside that too. Small ones would look cool in a case mod, bugeyes on twin 60's on the front maybe, praying mantis graphic or something, drive activity LEDs on antennae, but I digress.

Road Warrior