AMD Athlon 1333 - first cpu -
im pretty sure it fired, I never even got to use it
AMD Athlon XP 1700+
the damn thing stopped working one day, didnt fry core,and is still intact not even cracked or cruched or chipped, nata.
AMD Athlon 600 (Slot A)
I am pretty sure this thing was defective (really weird errors)
AMD K6-2 333
Forgot to turn on fan
AMD Duron 650
Well, not yet at least but I bet ill do something stupid with it
this thing has been through a war chipped cracked. still works
best 25$$ ever
also fried a floppy and psu and cables when seeing what would happen if iswitched it to 240v haha i was young an inexperianced.
256mb PC133
fried some good ol pc 133 ram. (too much juice)
Hard Drives
1. 13gb wd 5400rpm ???
2. 20gb seagate 7200 rpm ???
DVD Drive
10X Compaq dvd drive stopped working.
Nvidia Geforce 256 SDR
too much OC.