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How to apply Arctic Silver2

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May 24, 2001
Maine, USA
I'm purchasing an Athlon 1.2Gig/266 and a Global WinFop 38, stock fan replaced by a Sunon 42CFM 80mm which will be 10db quieter and have better performance. Anyways, how exactly do you apply the Arctic Silver to the processor? Do you coat the entire surface? How thick of a layer? Will the tightness of the heatsink to the processor affect conductivity and overall functionality? Please help :) Thank you
You need a very thin layer. To start you need to get a small amount on the core, this is hard with a new tube as the stuff comes flying out, you need to pull back on the aplicator almost as soon as it starts coming out, then I take a plastic bag, and cover my finger with it (like a rubber glove) and spread it over the slug with my finger, then finally I take a flat object, credit card, razor blade and smooth over the top of the core taking excess AS off and getting a flatter layer.