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[hwbot] 3Dmark06 ranking

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Those are real nice X1900CF clocks for 06, Wastrel. :thup: What cooling is that? Seems like you got a very nice pair. :)
Super Nade said:
You are mistaken. Every point counts! With my hardware, I don't have a score to rave about, but hey it helps the team. :)

If you say that you don't have a nice score, I'll beat you over the head with a Ramen-noodle. :D

lol Indeed Maxi. Its ok if you hit me with Ramens SN, just dont throw a nade my way. :D

Gautam said:
Those are real nice X1900CF clocks for 06, Wastrel. :thup: What cooling is that? Seems like you got a very nice pair. :)

Thanks Gautam. :)

First off I kinda flooded the 3DMark03 thread. Wont happen again. I made a post over there about my cooling.Ready to get underwhelmed?


GPU loop has a 400 L/hr pump, (2+1)3x120 External Rad with two 94CFM 120x25 fans in push/pull and two 54 CFM pushing. 3/8 ID tubing. Graphics Cards with 24/7 clocks (1.55 Vcore) heat up to 50C and with benching clocks (1.575 Vcore) 55C. They idle at 37C.

CPU loop has dual 90L /hr pumps, 5x120 external Rad with five 120x25 54CFM fans pushing. 1/4 ID :rolleyes: tubing. With CPU Vcore at 1.648 temps wont get over 40C under full load, its usually around 38C while gaming idles at 27-28.
Wastrel said:
lol Indeed Maxi. Its ok if you hit me with Ramens SN, just dont throw a nade my way. :D

Thanks Gautam. :)

First off I kinda flooded the 3DMark03 thread. Wont happen again. I made a post over there about my cooling.Ready to get underwhelmed?


GPU loop has a 400 L/hr pump, (2+1)3x120 External Rad with two 94CFM 120x25 fans in push/pull and two 54 CFM pushing. 3/8 ID tubing. Graphics Cards with 24/7 clocks (1.55 Vcore) heat up to 50C and with benching clocks (1.575 Vcore) 55C. They idle at 37C.

CPU loop has dual 90L /hr pumps, 5x120 external Rad with five 120x25 54CFM fans pushing. 1/4 ID :rolleyes: tubing. With CPU Vcore at 1.648 temps wont get over 40C under full load, its usually around 38C while gaming idles at 27-28.
oh cool... i wanna see a picture of your rads!!!!

also, wouldn't it be better (or have you thought about) to have the 5x120 for the x1900s instead? or maybe you don't feel like undoing it all (i know i wouldn't... i've become lazy lately when it comes to my PC)

either way, sexy setup. and i noticed from the pix that u don't have ramsinks on the ram chips under the waterblock. if you need, lemme know... i got lots of extra sinks i could probably spare at no cost. :)
g0dM@n said:
oh cool... i wanna see a picture of your rads!!!!

also, wouldn't it be better (or have you thought about) to have the 5x120 for the x1900s instead? or maybe you don't feel like undoing it all (i know i wouldn't... i've become lazy lately when it comes to my PC)

either way, sexy setup. and i noticed from the pix that u don't have ramsinks on the ram chips under the waterblock. if you need, lemme know... i got lots of extra sinks i could probably spare at no cost. :)

Thanks glad you liked it, would have been sexier with 1/2 ID tubing.

But dont get mislead by the half-word, Rad I used. They are far from a real rad, you may call them rads in fetal stages :D . Like I said before I had no other choice but to pick what was available to me. The so called rads on my water loops are simple copper tubes with rather big ID that pass through Alu fins. I'll try and find a picture for you.

Before getting my hands on MCW60s I had the GPU loop cooling only the CPU and GFXs on air. Now that I compare CPU temps on the 5x120 setup with the old temps on 3x120 setup they are exactly the same maybe even CPU temp at load gets 1C higher than before. It seems that bigger ID 3/8 vs. 1/4, stronger pump 400L/hr vs 2x90L/hr, and two high+two low CFM fans vs 5 low CFM fans makes up for the lack of 2x120 in rad length. But I have a feeling (yes not based on any actual findings :D) that the 5x120 may show its strength if higher amounts of heat is meant to get dissipiated not just one CPU (like GPUs as you pointed out) I dont know how true is that though. Even if that is true I couldnt try the 5x120 on GPUs if I wanted to because it has 1/4 ID tubing and fitting and my MCW60s didnt come with 1/4 ID barbs, even if they did I was never gonna commit that crime and use 1/4ID tubing on MCW60 its already hadicapped with 3/8 ID tubing.

BTW the reason mem chips are naked on the first shot is that I wanted to secure the tubes first and see if those two ramsinks needed any trimming (tubes had a rather thick wall). Fortunately with 3/8 ID tubing they sit nicely under tubes. As you can see in the second shot with cards inside case those two ramsinks are installed. Thanks anyway.

EDIT: added radiator pics. First one shows its design and then different legths of it, encased with fans mounted. Fear the sheer power of my cam phone! :b


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El<(')>Maxi said:
Hey trick, we can't accept scores without an ORB link or at the very minimum a full screen capture showing test details, CPU-Z, and card clocks. Also you need to read the first post in this thread so you know how to correctly post a score in a hwbot thread, you're completely missing the hwbot tag. I'll do my best to help you with these if you have any questions.
Look I have the thing there and now it will not let me post it ? WTF????????????????:mad: I can not get the thing to ORB for me WTF??????????????:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
The project id is not valid - please check the URL.

You need to check the box for published and click update and then use the link like this one:

You also need to do the hwbot tags as well :)
sno.lcn said:
You also need to do the hwbot tags as well :)
What the hell is that ? good god man I had to jump through hoops just to get this stupid orb now I have some more hoops to jump through? WTF???:bang head :bang head :bang head :bang head :bang head :bang head
mbot said:
- format your score as follows: [hwbot] score - system description [/hwbot]
- try not to use abbreviations. eg. 'opteron 146' is ok, '146' is too short.
- format processor overclock like 'A64 3200+ @ 2850Mhz' or 'A64 3200+ @ 2.85Ghz', format videocard speed as 'R9800 @ 350/333Mhz'.
- allowed score formats: '12345' or '12345 3dmarks' or '12345 marks'
- don't use text layout (bold, italic) or hyperlinks in your system description.
Format it just like the rest of the posts in this thread. The first post tells ya how to do it. I was a bit confused at first too ;)
It should look like this: http://www.ocforums.com/showpost.php?p=4813257&postcount=28
the orb isnt updated to accept the new rev of the bench. if you do a search for scores of this rev, there are no scores up. Tis not your problem. its the orbs.
d]g[ts said:
the orb isnt updated to accept the new rev of the bench. if you do a search for scores of this rev, there are no scores up. Tis not your problem. its the orbs.
OK so will this let me publish the score when it is fixed or not ? because this is so lame :temper: . but I have to say my score really rocks for what I am running .
what say you all?
trickson said:
OK so will this let me publish the score when it is fixed or not ? because this is so lame :temper: . but I have to say my score really rocks for what I am running .
what say you all?
IMHO it looks like a descent score for your rig. compares well to other scores (looking at older rev scores ofcourse)
As soon as futuremark straightes out the issue. you should be able to publish your score.
d]g[ts said:
IMHO it looks like a descent score for your rig. compares well to other scores (looking at older rev scores ofcourse)
As soon as futuremark straightes out the issue. you should be able to publish your score.
cool Thank You .
I just hope that you all let me in on this now I have been through hell in the last 3 hours I ran the test over and over thinking that some thing was wrong and well I am done with it this is a great score and I can't believe that my system got this score (more than once !) . what a job it is , I just wished I would get payed to do this .
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