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I give...spent the money and It isn't better

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May 10, 2001
Here a question for anyone out there. I'm running a TB 1 GHz @ 1.4 GHz at 1.7 Vc on a MSI K7T Turbo R. The HSF is a Swiftech462-A with a noisy Delta fan.ASII. The PSU is a Enermax 350Watt unit. I have never been able to get to the temperature level that everyone talks about even at unO/C and I heard that MSI K7T tends to run the cpu warmer. I had a generic PSU and went the 5V line got low the chip drew in more power and the temperature increased(43 C load to 48 C load) and when the 5V when up, the temp droped abit (43 C load). hence the purchase of the Enermax. After I installed the Enermax, My 5V stablized but now my temp at load is 46 C (also stable though).....what gives? New air is straight ducted directly to the delta so it's not recurculating warm air.

P.S. how does one go about defeating the temperature sensor on the enermax so that the fan runs continuously?.
Have your ambient temps gone up (it's summer in the Northern hemisphere)? How about dust in the HS?

1) Did you use artic silver for compound?
2) What is the case temp of your case?
3) Is the cold air forced onto the HSF with a case fan and tubing focussing the air?
4) What is your room temp?

I am using a 1.33 AXIA at 1.536 (1.9V core as left when I ran 1.605 GHz) with MC462A and delta. I ahve a 92mm fan in case feeding cold air with tubing to HSF. I have a 80mm fan extracting. Another 92mm fan pushing cold air on the side of the case but lower. A 80 mm fan bottom front with case cut pushing cold air in. Another 92mm fan extracting at the top of case between PSU and DVD. I use a Enermax 650W PSU.

My temp are room 23C.
CPU idle 33C
CPU load Prime95+gaming 38C.

PS I made the tubing from carton it stands about 3'' from case fan and is focussed right on top of HSF. I backed down from 1.6 cause I got Prime 95 error everything else was stable.
no dust, the system is new.
ambient is 23 C, case is 29 C. Only the Delta is pulling air in thru a linear port. The other 80 mm fans are pulling air out. As shown, the case temp is fairly low. There was an article on O/C that stated that MSI MB ran the cpu warm. The thermal sensor physically touches the underside of the chip instead of being on a SM in the Socket like several MBs.
You are getting something like .32c/w with that Swiftech MC-462A, assuming all the air reaching the Delta fan (?) is room air. That is not right. When you installed the MC-462A did you put the nylon washers between the standoffs and the motherboard, per the instructions? I'm not familiar with your motherboard, but on some of them, the four mounting holes have a tinned copper ring around the hole. If that is the case with your motherboard, omit the nylon washers. With the tinned copper rings, the standoffs, when used with the nylon washers, sit a little too high and prevent the base of the heatsink from seating firmly upon the top of the core. This is covered on the Swiftech Web page.

On the side, I would work on the case ventilation. You should be able to get with in 1C of ambient.
Colin (Jun 06, 2001 10:11 p.m.):
On the side, I would work on the case ventilation. You should be able to get with in 1C of ambient.
Well I guess that I'm going to have to gut the system this weekend and rebuild. Those Swifttech are not the easiest to disassemble.
i know how you feel, i spent over £100 ($170?) on cooling and stuff and my pc is worse? i am getting watercooling now
Hmm...As you already know, I also have a K7T Turbo and a 1 Ghz Tbird. My Tbird is at 1333 right now, and I have a bad PS. My Enermax should get here Saturday. My temps go like this, Room: 22C CPU: 36 idle Mobo: 25C. I don't know what's holding you up. All I've done to cool mine is my CAK38.
Keldogg (Jun 07, 2001 06:11 p.m.):
Hmm...As you already know, I also have a K7T Turbo and a 1 Ghz Tbird. My Tbird is at 1333 right now, and I have a bad PS. My Enermax should get here Saturday. My temps go like this, Room: 22C CPU: 36 idle Mobo: 25C. I don't know what's holding you up. All I've done to cool mine is my CAK38.
Keldogg, what is you cpu temp at load? You keep your room that cold? I would be worried about the energy charge. Also I am at 10.5x135.

Hoot, the swiftech did not come with the washer for the spring so I add some std nylon washers for motherboards. I may install an extra layer. The HRF seemed a bit moveable for my taste.
It sounds like you have only the HSF delta sucking air in. And two 80mm blowing out. I suggest forcing the air in on the duct ot the HSF with a case fan on the outside. That way the air getting to the delta is garaunteed to be cold. If it is only sucking, you have no control as to where the air comes from.

Also as Hoot suggested checkout your contact of heatsink with CPU. I suggest you clean everything with acetone and alcahol. I used nailpolish remover with acetone to clean it up and then pure medical alcahol to clean of the impurities of the nail polish remover. If mounted properly the heatsink should feel very solid on the mobo. I used AS2 compound.

Good luck. I suggest first to look at heatsink mounting, etc. Measure temp. If still bad add case fan to force cold air from outside onto HSF.
okie dokie...I just spent the last hour dismantling/rebuilding this computer.
old reads
[email protected], 10.5x135, 43C/46C, Ambient 23C, Case 28C
new reads (mod the Swiftech HS by adding 3 extra washers on each spring)
[email protected], 10.5x135, 43C/44C, Ambient 23C, Case 28C

Upon lifting the HS off the chip, the HS did not squish out as much of the Artic Silver II as I thought. The MSI sensors touches directly on the underside of the chip. Does any of the other MB do that or are they just surface mounted?
I did not advise you to add washers to the springs. I advised you to remove the nylon washer between each standoff and the motherboard. Please pay attention. If the AS is not squishing out almost entirely, your baseplate is not sitting firmly upon the core. I don't care if you put 20 washers on the springs, it still will not rest upon the core firmly.

Hoot (Jun 07, 2001 10:06 p.m.):
I did not advise you to add washers to the springs. I advised you to remove the nylon washer between each standoff and the motherboard. Please pay attention. If the AS is not squishing out almost entirely, your baseplate is not sitting firmly upon the core. I don't care if you put 20 washers on the springs, it still will not rest upon the core firmly.

I'm sorry Hoot. I think we are having a misunderstanding here. I know that you were speaking about the washer under the post that attaches to the motherboard. I did not have those in because the MSI MB does not have large enough holes and Swiftech did not recommend it if it did not fit. My concern was that the spring compression was not sufficient given the washers that I use since the ones that was suppose to be supplied with the HS was not supplied therefore I add some more to compress the spring. The HSF is now a bit more snug (previously, I could wiggle the HSF a bit ==> ASII not appearing to squish out as much as expected).
If you do not have those washers on then that really complicates things. You were correct to try more spring tension under the circumstances, but it sure sounds like you dont have adequate contact pressure with the core. Are you up for a brief experiment? Remove the heatsink and clean off the AS on both it and the core. Cut a strip of Saran Wrap, Glad Wrap, or any brand of thin plastic wrap, about 1/2 inch wide and 6 inches long. Lay one end of the strip on the core and drape the rest off to the side. Reinstall the MC-462 carefully, so as not to disturb the strip where it lays on the core. Once you have the 4 spring screws tightened down, pull on the end of the strip and see how easily it slides out from between the core surface and the baseplate. If it comes out easily, you don't have enough pressure on the core. If it refuses to come out without tearing or comes out with resistance, than chances are contact pressure is not your problem. Follow me?
ASII off, sarah wrap was snug.... I have notice with my friends who have MSI MB as well... they are running on the average between 46 and 65 C unO/C unloaded with 1 G TB 266 AXIA (ref point 3 folks). Now the sensor is on a film which comes in direct contact with the underside of the chip. My celery with a SOYO is not, it's surface mount (nothing like having two computers around which one experiments on the other). O/C has an article concerning this and I'm coming to a conclusion that it's the method that the MB reads the temp. I have dismantled and upgraded this computer too much already... I could have bought another set and added it to my SETI crunching ;D although your setup looked very interesting, I don't have a Granger around

I am 1130 MIPS faster or FPU 1032 MFLOPS faster than a P4 1.5 GHz per SiSoft Sandra :)