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I live in shame.....this is absolutely horrible.....

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Shadow ÒÓ (Jun 19, 2001 08:54 p.m.):
Default drivers again and ran a SMOKIN 996 in 2001! hehe

guess there's another bottle neck somewhere......

I think we need to start a thread for bottlenecks... of course, then there would be very little posted here...

seems like several people are experiencing bottlenecks of some type... the only commonality among us is that we're S.O.L.
Shadow- Im sorry, I just now noticed that you replied back to me on the Radeon.

I went with it, over a Geforce, after I read this review that OPEN FRIDAY showed me...

The image quality is was swayed me over. Ive heard you talk before about the quality of the image on a V5, so I figured if your current card dosn't work out for you, you could give it a try.

newegg.com has the Radeon LEs pretty cheap. They differ over the DDR models in that HYPERZ is disabled, and they have a lower clock speed. Simple overclocking, and a registry hack gets the clock speed up and the HYPERz back. (which is only disabled in D3D anyway)

Good luck on the pro!

EDIT, I forgot to mention, that on a Thunderbird@1050, cas2 ram at 150, I got 3128 with the Radeon on 3DMARK2001. That was with the card overclocked.
Not bad for 80 bucks shipped, (cheaper now)
If your looking for a new budget vid card, in my mind the Radeon LE, VE or what have you is the only way to go. When i bought mine some time ago it was 110$, well worth it, now it can be had for around 75$, i dont know where as i dont shop at american stores sorry. But i believe a while back newegg had it for 79$ with 1$ shipping. Dont know if that deal is still on or not. If you buy the LE, you should be able to get it to 191/191 with stuff you have laying around the house. I think AK and i agreed that around 190 was where the 6ns ram topped out. I tried lowering my core and raising the mem but it was a no go. I was shocked when i saw my dvd's, i had previously used a V3 2000 (great card btw Shadow) they looked so much better though with the radeon. I cant recomend this card enough, it was decent for gaming in my tests anyways. (If you call playing CS in 800x600 a test).If you need a cheap card, the radeon's the ticket. ICQ me if your seriously considering it and need some Q's answered.

Thanks guys........I'm very disappointed in this card indeed. Absolutely sucks in 2000 server. (not crippled mind you.......SUCKS)

I'm selling the GTS and going to buy a pair of LE cards I guess........I need 2, and for the price of the Ultra I'd rather have a couple good cards than one great card.
Personally, I don't know why you'd consider getting anything but a better GF2 or GF3 if you're truly serious about gaming. Even that older GTS should be blowing the Voodoo and Radeon out of the water. Did you even try to use newer drivers? The 6.31 drivers you were using are antiques. Did you try overclocking the card? What video quality settings did you use? What brand is it. Maybe it's a cheap generic brand or something, I don't know, but that card should be better than my MX card and I've extremely happy with it, I just want and can afford better now, so I'm shopping for a GF3. Intially when I got my MX, I was a bit disappointed with it too, but after I tried different drivers and did some cooling mods and learned how to tweak it and overclock it, I'd never get anything except GeForce cards now. They rock.
batboy (Jun 20, 2001 09:28 p.m.):
Personally, I don't know why you'd consider getting anything but a better GF2 or GF3 if you're truly serious about gaming. Even that older GTS should be blowing the Voodoo and Radeon out of the water. Did you even try to use newer drivers? The 6.31 drivers you were using are antiques. Did you try overclocking the card? What video quality settings did you use? What brand is it. Maybe it's a cheap generic brand or something, I don't know, but that card should be better than my MX card and I've extremely happy with it, I just want and can afford better now, so I'm shopping for a GF3. Intially when I got my MX, I was a bit disappointed with it too, but after I tried different drivers and did some cooling mods and learned how to tweak it and overclock it, I'd never get anything except GeForce cards now. They rock.

Truthfully because the system beside me is my girlfriends. She's never really noticed video quality till now, and after benchmarking the G2 on her machine.......the VooDoo on mine........then pulling the G2 from hers and putting the Rage 128 Pro back in.......she's not at all satisfied. So now I need 2 cards. One for me, and one for her. I can't afford 2 cards........one great one or 2 good ones.

That'll teach me to involve her in upgrades again!

did that with my weife once

never will i do that again

she has my CB0 P3 700 that runs 1008 air cooled and 1050 with peltier air cooling

never will i do that again

( she wnet from a cellery 366 to a P3 700
you think she would go back
I just ordered a Radeon 64 DDR w/vivo for $161.00 shipped. I've got my V5 up on Ebay for bidding as we speek. People are paying over $100.00 for the V5's on Ebay! Even used ones! I'm hoping to get around $100.00 or so, but I'm not gonna hold my breath.
Dear Diary........

today I decided to give this card one more shot before ripping it out and screaming for a VooDoo.......

I upgraded the Via drivers and ran the benchmarks again.....1964 this time. Noticeable improvement over the 900ish scores I was getting when I installed this card initially.

Then I decided to upgrade to the latest drivers that were not beta.....benched again and scored 2928. That's MUCH better. The horse at the end of the test actually turns smoothly now instead of showing me 8 pics of the horse from all sides.

Ran some tweaks and did some messing around with the card also, and I was able to get the scores close to 3100. Not too shabby considering I'm running this card under 2000 Server.

I must keep in mind not to hate NVidia.......after all, they didn't put the wrong info on my system......."I" did.
Dear Diary........

Today I wanted to "tweak" my card a little more so I went to tweakfiles and picked up a program.

I then used KILLorBE's advice and did the registry hack. Now I have a setting to allow Preformance or Quality in my Vid card properties, but I have no way to adjust my actual clock speeds.

Since I didn't use common sense and actually remember the name of the program I installed, nor can I find it in add/remove programs, I guess I'll be deleting my card and starting all over again. Shame........This card was really beginning to grow on me.
Hey Shadow...
have u tried it with the v sync fram buffer set to 1,instead of the default 3.
it should improve the image quality and fram rate.
and also reduce the pci texture memory size to a lowest as possible.
gts`s don`t use any pci texture memory.
and try the nvmax.
it is a greate gf utility.

Should have stayed with the V5! I think you have a good card but for UT how could you!!
el (Jun 25, 2001 03:04 p.m.):
Should have stayed with the V5! I think you have a good card but for UT how could you!!

That's assuming that's all he'll ever play... voodoo falls short in most other games.
if you have all the latest drivers just download nvmax and play with it a bit. now i think your problem is via chipset but with latest drivers it should work just fine
yeah I know but UT is the best game and that is what ShadowÒÓ plays mosty.