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I need an AMD system

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Mar 1, 2001
Ite here it is. I have no idea what an AMD machine is. I've always had Intel. But now with all the crap going on, and prices from amd going done like crazy, I want to go to AMD. I need to know wat motherboard that would be good to overclock preferably up to 1.5, wat chip, socket, slot all that stuff. I need a couple of pci at least 4 and no extra amr or other weird ports. only pci and agp. Plus, whats the deal with, athlon, duron, thunderbird? whats the difference? I'm thinking this:
Athlon = P3
duron = celeron
thunderbird = ?
i would recommend the Abit KT7a-Raid for your motherboard. are you looking for overall speed or a good overclocking CPU??
well money is the big picture.... as far as the chip is concerend duron 50$ athlon100$ tbird 200-300$

best oc board abit kt7A

but without good hardware this board is no better than the rest