A A-Bomb Registered Joined Dec 24, 2000 Mar 7, 2001 #1 I still NEED a list of 13-17 volt power supplys for my 156Watt !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Common - no more 12volt PC unit links. A-Bomb
I still NEED a list of 13-17 volt power supplys for my 156Watt !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Common - no more 12volt PC unit links. A-Bomb
H Hoot Inactive Moderator Joined Feb 13, 2001 Location Twin Cities Mar 7, 2001 #2 Bang for buck, the Astron RS-20 is hard to beat. http://www.texastowers.com/astronl.htm Hoot
T Tim- Senior Member Joined Dec 18, 2000 Location North Carolina Mar 7, 2001 #3 How about something like 12V @ 12.5 A TWINFLY POWER SUPPLY | MPJA.COM [MFG:]TWINFLY [P/N:] P1-150-12 [Input:]110-240VAC 50/60Hz [Specifications/Features:] Enclosed switching supply. .5% line, 1% load reg. 1% P/P noise/Ripple. Over load and over voltage protected. Screw terminals. [UL Listed]. www.mpja.com or http://www.maxpages.com/murphyjunk Search under "electronics surplus" there are many vendors selling all types especially at 12 volts.
How about something like 12V @ 12.5 A TWINFLY POWER SUPPLY | MPJA.COM [MFG:]TWINFLY [P/N:] P1-150-12 [Input:]110-240VAC 50/60Hz [Specifications/Features:] Enclosed switching supply. .5% line, 1% load reg. 1% P/P noise/Ripple. Over load and over voltage protected. Screw terminals. [UL Listed]. www.mpja.com or http://www.maxpages.com/murphyjunk Search under "electronics surplus" there are many vendors selling all types especially at 12 volts.
AKDUDE Senior Member Joined Feb 13, 2001 Mar 7, 2001 #4 Here is a 25 amp job for 109 something by MFJ. They make alot of stuff. Ive used there Antenna tuners for years. http://www.mfjenterprises.com/new/mfj4125.html Here is a Alinco variable, 32 amp max output... eHam.net
Here is a 25 amp job for 109 something by MFJ. They make alot of stuff. Ive used there Antenna tuners for years. http://www.mfjenterprises.com/new/mfj4125.html Here is a Alinco variable, 32 amp max output... eHam.net
B BorisDaSpider Guest Mar 7, 2001 #5 Goto Ebay!!! I got a Astron 12 amp for $30 shipping included!! Check out there ham section
B Blueface Registered Joined Feb 12, 2001 Mar 7, 2001 #6 Go to ebay look for "power one" cost 19 to 24 plus shipping. 12 to 15 volts max power 350 cont. Thanks to OddOne
Go to ebay look for "power one" cost 19 to 24 plus shipping. 12 to 15 volts max power 350 cont. Thanks to OddOne