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--I Think It's a Mod--

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World's Biggest E-Thug
Feb 9, 2002
well, sense being banned by parent from buying any thing
computer related because i fried my mobo (placed ram in backwards) this is all i could really mustard.
2 questions.... 1.. how good is that corb? Ive been hearing about them, but not one way or the other...

second.. is that a grill over the chipset fan??? that what it looks like... if so that is freakin kewl.. lol... tiny *asprin* grill!~!
lol, no grill just took the pic with the PC off so no fans
running. that isnt a bad idea too :p

well, on my retail 8500 i could only get it as high as 290
before 3dm2k1 crashes and restarts. now i can go
to 310, running at 306 now perfectly stable.

i even got 10 mhz on my ram

i dont think it's running at full RPM cuz it's plugged into
the mobo.
one stick went in backwards, the thermal take one. it was a lot
easier to push in with the ram spreaders. it wasnt totally in
but enough to ruin the mobo. after reviewing pictures i took
before my death boot it shows the ram in backwards by position
of the ram fan.
You would be very suprised how easy it is to mess up and not get the ram in right. My brother borrowed a 32 ram stick from me a few months back and put it in backwards. He ruined the stick and the slot in his mobo. Luckily not the whole mobo....
mine probably would have been saved if i caught it earlier. it
smoked up too quick :p
second.. is that a grill over the chipset fan??? that what it looks like... if so that is freakin kewl.. lol... tiny *asprin* grill!~!

think its the ram fan grill ur looken at

think im gona get one only .50 at my comp store

still not see'en how u put ram backwards is it ddr we are talken about? i dont have ddr but it looks posible to put in backwards:(
Its very possible. And when you are putting all your stuff together sometimes it is easy to overlook things like that. Granted DDR does have a notch in it, it still can be put in backwards. It won't be completely seated but I have done it. Thank goodness I caught it before I turned it on though. whew:)
same here when i got my crucial, i realized it while i was installing it, but it actually slid in a bit
yes, it's crucial DDR. and the place im trying to RMA the board
is taking 2 weeks to reply to 1 e-mail. that ****es me off cuz
i need the replacement board.
at least u didnt get it from OCZ, they dont reply back PERIOD.
I reported those cheatin *******s to the BBB for selling me a bunk stick of ram.
what happened? did u eventually get a replacement? or at
least your money back?
nope. nothin. i baught pc2400 performance series cl2-2-2 from www.theoverclockerzstore.com and it wont even do [email protected] i have to back it off all the way just to get it to work. after repeated phone calls and emails(its been a month) nothing.
i sold it 4 20$ to someone that didnt need any performance out of it, just a stice of what i called "that cheap stuff" generic. i payed 80$
stay away from them bro
Starfox said:
mine probably would have been saved if i caught it earlier. it
smoked up too quick :p

It's fun to see smoke coming out of the computer....espcially when it dosnt hurt anything, all it did was fry the insulation off on of my floppy power cables.
did you have a herat attack? cuz i think i did when i saw
smoke coming out.