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I want ot buy a wc system....Which?

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May 6, 2003
Buried in UPS packages
I want to take a poll kind-of. I am leaning towards a complete swiftech setup but thought I would throw this out and see what you current water cooling guys are using and what you think.
the response you are going to get most is to build your own.
you will save money and have a better set-up.
if you insist on buying a kit: swiftech, dangerden and jpi have what i believe are currently the best....
Just avoid poly (clear plastic) topped waterblocks.

do a search, there are a number of people who have courted or actually been visited by disaster when the plastic top on their water block failed.

A hour or two scanning down the forum, reading the threads marked newbie(or similiar) or kit or the name of a kit (koolance, exos, innovatek, swiftec, etc), or what's good would get you a lot of info.

General consensus is that you can save money and/or improve perform by putting together your own kit. The hardest part of doing it yourself seems to be mounting the radiator (heater core)/fan .

My favorite list is Giblet's list for n00b h20.
pretty much what they all said, i fyou REALLY want a kit i would get the swiftec one, but building can give you the same or better results in most cases- but its cheaper and more fun:D