Dear all, it has been 10+ years since I had to get a new rig, which I just did.
My last chip was a I7-3960X, which back in the day we set CPU voltage and Sync all cores with a multiplier til stable.
My old rig is still going through, after running at 4.0ghz for 10+yrs, but at least, it is time to catch up>
So Now I have the new i9-14900K, and tried to 'relearn' how to overclock, as so much as changed it seems.
And initially, all I seems to be doing, is generating a lot of 'heat' instead of meaningful performance gains...
(talking idle temp going from 36'c to 54'c, for a performance game of 6% on bench, which.... doesn't seem to worth it.)
I have noticed more rewarding performance gain on 'Memory tweaking' so far.
Quesiton to all, with 24cores in the i9, is it actually necessary to overclock the CPU like 'days of old'?
Or should I be happy with the stock setting, and attempt to let the chip live longer with better thermals?
Any opinions welcomed.
My last chip was a I7-3960X, which back in the day we set CPU voltage and Sync all cores with a multiplier til stable.
My old rig is still going through, after running at 4.0ghz for 10+yrs, but at least, it is time to catch up>
So Now I have the new i9-14900K, and tried to 'relearn' how to overclock, as so much as changed it seems.
And initially, all I seems to be doing, is generating a lot of 'heat' instead of meaningful performance gains...
(talking idle temp going from 36'c to 54'c, for a performance game of 6% on bench, which.... doesn't seem to worth it.)
I have noticed more rewarding performance gain on 'Memory tweaking' so far.
Quesiton to all, with 24cores in the i9, is it actually necessary to overclock the CPU like 'days of old'?
Or should I be happy with the stock setting, and attempt to let the chip live longer with better thermals?
Any opinions welcomed.