Hi I have a question I have an Intell 8700 processor running on a gigabyte z370 gaming 7 mother board I have Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-8700K CPU @ 3.70GHz 3.70 GHz And I have 64 gigs of memory. I ran everything exactly in this video. The only difference is that he is on a liquid cooling system and I'm not just fans and for the Uncore Ratio he has it set to 40 and I have it set to 45. nd I have everything disabled that he does. The problem is when I go and set the xmp to profile 1 to se the memory timings in windows on occassion I get blue screens saying the IRQ NOT LESS OR EQUAL TOO. So I was wondering if I need to decrease on something or what I need to raise or lower in the bios to get my system stable. Right now I just have the cpu overclock but I don't have the xmp set.
TThis is the Overclocking video that I did.