Have a 850 TBird running @ 1050 with Taisol HS and Delta Fan on it, runs @ 35 degrees. Anywasy, sorry I got side tracked. I used to have the FOP 38 on it. Was Ok. But the temp did push 46 -48 degrees at times. This caused my computer to crash.
Also when I moved back home from college, my room was much hotter due to it being in the attic and the FOP 38 really struggled with keeping the temp down. I was the thermal pad and now I use Arctic Silver 2, but the temp was about 38 - 40 idle. If you can try somthing different like:
TaiSol CGK760092 about £15 in UK
Glaciator - Not sure of Price
ThermalRight SK6 about £30
ThermoEngine V60-4225 -
GlobalWin CAK38 - About £30
GlobalWin WBK38 - About £20
For comparative review, check out the other system coolers section @
I would reccomend the Taisol as it is the cheapest and it performs really well. Check out my other post on this HS