With Chance on this - to get a taste you could drop some DICE on a heatsink for a slight advantage. Preferably one without heatpipes, but even if it had heatpipes, just be mindful not to freeze it (I've frozen heatpipes benching outside in the winter, then temps skyrocket).
But if you get a cheap pot, you'll probably be hooked. Overclocking on sub-ambient is wild - its an exciting feeling seeing the clocks go up so easily and cranking the voltage.
I'll be doing a stream soon. I am hoping to get a small fill tomorrow (50 liters), and I may be running/streaming tomorrow night. AMD - 960T, unlocked to 5 or 6 cores, focused just on running wprime32 or wprime1024.
The stream would likely start at 9PM EST, and may go for an hour or two - not much longer as I don't have much to get done. Would be a good session to watch though, as I can bench Phenom II's in my sleep, so I should be able to keep up with the stream chat well.
I'll post to verify if I get the fill, and if I get it, I will post the streaming link here.
If it doesn't work out for tomorrow, then my next stream will be in a week or two - I'm picking up a 4770K tomorrow at Microcenter, then I'm just waiting for Asus to send me a board from Taiwan. Gave them my shipping info today, so that board could show up in a couple weeks, or it could be in a couple days... Sometimes they put it on a slow boat, other times they next day it. I don't even know what they are sending - I just asked for a leftover pre-production/non-final board I can use with LN2. This stream will likely not be a good one to watch, it will probably be full of fail, boot problems, and me figuring out what the heck I'm doing on Haswell for the first time so I probably won't be as chatty, except to get help from people who have at least ran Haswell on air.