There are (or were, as I don't think anyone manufactures that anymore) DDR4 kits up to 5333+ (Micron 2x8/16GB and Hynix 2x8GB). Max memory clocks highly depend on the motherboard and memory controller, so you are limited to AMD APUs and 11th+ gen Intels. Motherboards also need optimized BIOS, but there are no BIOS releases for new CPUs that also OC RAM high. It's because no one cares about optimizing motherboards for old technology when overclockers and enthusiasts go for the new stuff.
DDR4 is still in production and will be for a couple of years. Some specific DDR3 are still manufactured. However, the same as in previous generations, right now are mainly high density and not the highest overclocking ICs. Every generation goes from low-density and low frequency -> mid-density but quite high frequency and low latency -> high-density and high frequency, but not the best latency (unless you can push it really high).