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Is it worth the upgrade

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I'm a little teapot Senior
Dec 17, 2000
Montana, USA
Is it worth it to get a Radeon LE, and of course flash it as a retail, versus keeping me geforce 256 sdr. What kind of performance improvements would i get.
UnseenMenace (Jun 14, 2001 01:36 p.m.):
I would keep the GeForce myself and spend the money somewhere more worth while

Me too, or wait to u get some more money so u can get a better card like a GF2 Ultra or something like that.

Just my 2 cent ;)
I guess it depends on what you want out of the card. I have both cards, a 256 and a LE, both in TBIRD900 computers, with the same motherboard.
The LE display looks better in 2d and 3d. IT also benches faster, but who cares, its the games that matter.
However, Ive have yet to see either card bog down in a game yet. No FPS issues with either one. But I will say again, the Radeon Looks much better than my 256 does.
One cool benny of the 256 is that it does a great job of heating up the little room that computer sits in!