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Joined the 1700+ Club

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Aug 22, 2001
Cary, NC
I picked up 1700+ JIUHB, 0310XPMW, from www.excaliberpc.com. It just came in today and I strapped it to my 8RDA+ with my HyperX PC3500 and my Alpha 8045.

I'll let the current results speak for themselves:


I'm doing this with 1.65v core, up from 1.5v default. I'm using 2.63v on the dimm, up from 2.5v default.

At this point this is the highest I've tried, there may still be room left.

I do have a question though. For those of you who can't pull 200mhz FSB, what happens when you try it? I tried it, it posted, but wouldn't boot. Is this what everyone else sees?
Sounds right.. if you go too high on the FSB the alarm will sound and you will be reset to 100.

Lower your multi to eliminate the possibility of reaching the mhz ceiling of your chip before the FSB limit of your mobo.
I tried that already, unfortunately. I dropped the multi to 10 and brought it up to 10x200. It posted, and the SCSI bios came up, found the drives and such, then it hung up on the "verifying dmi pool data".

I wonder now if the problem was that my vdimm was too low. I should give it another go and see if I can get it stable. I dont see it happening, the VDD is only 1.58V.
weird, the rda board should go easily up to 220~225MHz (cause at 200MHz the AGP and PCI buses run at default speed)
Good Pick Arch.
I am running 210 x 11.5=2.4g @ 1.8v
Rock stable!!

I think it can go up higher like 2.5g , but I need a better cooling
just thinking...are your computers safe to handle these numbers or are they good for a few months before you need to get a new cpu and mobo???

Im new and I do want to overclock my system but dont have the ability do to BIOS features. I am getting 1847 out of my 2100 using warpspeeder although this is not much to brag about.
I did some more testing today before work. I dumbed down the speed and cranked up the FSB to see if I could hit 200 with this 8RDA+. I dumbed down the ram timings to 7-3-3-2.5 just to be safe for the moment. Here we go:


I'm doing this with the stock northbridge heatsink. the VDD is about 1.56/1.58. I have a Vantec Iceburg coming today which I may hold off on installing.

She wasn't quite stable using 1.65v, it would reset itself after a few hours of Prime95.
spoonss said:
Good Pick Arch.
I am running 210 x 11.5=2.4g @ 1.8v
Rock stable!!

I think it can go up higher like 2.5g , but I need a better cooling

Sounds good. i have a barton 2500 that i cant reach those speeds. (poor stepping probably)

i was thinking about getting a 1700 as well and have same hsf.

what temps are you running?...i am at 55C under load on a warm day at my speed in my sig.
Here's Mine!


I have been running F@H and Prime 95 for about 45 min at this speed. CPU is at 39C. It is strange, I was getting lockups and reboots at 190*11.5 and am running fine at 200*11. VCore is at 1.725 and VDIMM is at 2.77. I love this chip!! It is the exact same one Arch has and came from excaliburpc.
I had to juice my vdimm voltage up to 2.77 to run at 6-2-2-2 timings on my HyperX PC3500. It seems to be running at 200mhz still. I'm at work right now so I can't tell if Prime95 is still running or not. At the moment the box is still signed on to AIM, so I know it hasn't locked up and rebooted.
Here is my Question - do I migrate from the 1600+ ranks to the 1700+ ranks? My 1600+ currently runs at 1743 no problem on air and it is factory locked. When I do my next rebuild, I think I will unlock the CPU and drop the mult. On a KR7A-R,I should b able to hit 185 no sweat...I hope :mad:
If you are going to buy a 1700+, do it soon, they are going to be out of stock and never to be seen again. Mine is running stable at 2300, 11.5x200 using 1.75v. I would highly recommend the 1700+. Its a great CPU, and a great value.
i've bought mine today, and another one for a friend, and 4 more to another friend that owns a computer store that had some trouble getting those (and maybe he's gonna buy some more :D)

in a day or two i'm gonna tell how it's working
My 1700+ came in yesterday along with my SLK-800 (got my dad to order it because I found out they stopped making them and wanted to make sure I got one). Now I just got to wait till the end of the month to get my new Motherboard and RAM. Gee waiting is so hard. Hurry up and get here 24th.
I can't wait till I get a Abit NF7-S rev. 2 mobo and some HyperX (1 GIG) Ram so that I can really crank up the clocks.

*Imagine if you could run a 600FSB, putting the multi to like 5 and a FSB of 300 on a 1700, now that would be the ultimate overclock.*
I will be joining tomorrow...only with a DUT3C tho...
although I only want 2Ghz anyway....
I've got my wife's at 11.5 X 200 with an 8RDA+ and a 512MB stick of Hyper-X PC2700. (yup, 2700) It's rock stable thus far and not exceeded 39C under load. Voltage is at 1.65 and I forgot the memory voltage... one notch above stock. A Cooler Master HHC-001 is the noisy but effective HSF.

JIUHB DLT3C XMPW from Eglobal. If you order from them, they're in Canada, and the prices on their website do not account for fluctuations in the exchange rate. Be sure to call them for updated info, and shipping via UPS ground was not all that quick. (8 days to Alabama) What a steal though... PR 3300+ for $75!!