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JOURNAL- A64 system, FROM noob to ELITE (with pictures)

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Steven4563 said:
u might need to flash your bios to a newer version ? what slots have u got your ram in ? have u tried the other slots ?

my slots are in the 2 orange slots on the motherboard. I think I have to flash the bios to a newer version before I overclock anyways. Does anyone have a link on how to flash your bios and on the latest or best dfi ultra-d bios out?

I havn't tried the other slots. It is kinda weird that it only shows 128 tho since I have 1gig 2x 512 tccd
clocker2 said:
What the heck are you nattering on about?
Of course your 32-bit drivers wouldn't work.
Both nVidia and ATI (along with many others, SiI for instance) have been releasing beta 64-bit drivers for several months.
I have been dual-booting both XPs for a while and am almost ready to drop the 32-bit OS altogether.
Just as with your hardware, there is a bit of a learning curve involved, but the OS is almost completely functional right now.
Not sure about gaming performance though.

I just didn't think it would be such a large issue. I'm 100% about gaming so im sticking with a complete format to windows xp home edition

Today I went to tigerdirect and bought myself windows xp home edition upgrade. HOWEVER this was completely rediculous since I realised that I do not have a windows 98 cd *i must have lost it or something. So now I must go back to tiger direct and return the thing then buy the oem version of XP at another store since they were sold out of the OEM version at tigerdirect .arrrg pics are to come when all is setup
Swatdog said:
OMG, all these pics brings me back to when I built my first baby (see sig). It makes me want to make another! :( It kind of sucks that I bought a s754 CPU as I want to get an SLI board, but cant because I need a s939 CPU. :(

Yeah same here, the only thing is that I won my motherboard at a LAN. And at the time s939 wasnt out so im not really complaining.
Sucka said:
Looking good. I don't think i could have computer parts sitting around not in use though, i try and plan my builds to where it all comes in over a 1-2 day period so i don't have to wait....lol

Yeah me too. When I dont have it all there and cant finish something because a part isnt there I get all ****y and whine about it for a while thinking that will make it better. It doesnt seem to work thoug. =\
Oh man, I can't begin to tell you how long I had my case, mobo, ram, hdd, GPU, and PSU all laying around waiting for my processor... They probably were in it's case for about 2-3 months. I was going to get the processor on my next paycheck after receiving the other stuff, but I lost my job so I didn't even get my CPU until Christmas, and even then I didn't buy it. It was a gift. lol

Ok everyone here are the pics you all have been waiting for. Sorry for making it so late :p. But yea here is my masterpiece! I call it ice cube!

for some reason the UV glow doesnt show too well on the camera. I have distilled water highlighter juice in there :) and it grows a nice bright greeeeeeeeen. mUhahahaha

Ok i just went to a local chinese store to buy my XP home edition oem but they wouldnt let me buy it without buying some kinda hardware so i thought what the heck i'll just buy some ram. I was wondering will this ram make my overclocking worse since it is just value ram? If should I or should I not install it, here are pics of all my new stuff please reply no the ram issue

AlanD911 said:
how do i clean up this insanely messy wiring

lol... First off, NICE SYSTEM.

Does your mobo have a space behind the mobo plate and the right side (looking from the front)?

If so, all I did, and I doubt you will do this as you will have to take your system apart again, but I cut a hole in my mobo plate and ran my power cables between the mobo plate and the side of the case and out through the hole and then to components. I also just tucked my IDE cables in extra spaces like an extra 5 1/4" bay or 3 1/2" bay. Pretty much all I have showing now are my fan cables, but they are lines around the side of my case.
it has a tiny spacebehind the mobo plate but not much. i dont want to cut a hole agian tho :(.

what do u think about my ram
the new one i just got cuz i was forced to buy something for the oem xp lol
AlanD911 said:
it has a tiny spacebehind the mobo plate but not much. i dont want to cut a hole agian tho :(.

what do u think about my ram

I wouldn't use it... Simply because you will be using 3 DIMMs, and 256 wont really do much. BUT you can sell it and make some $$ tho. Sell it in the classifieds!

currently i am formatting the new XP partition I will post again when everything is setup with the new wireless network
yea but won't it add a little boost of performance or would it hinder the whole system ?
AlanD911 said:
the new one i just got cuz i was forced to buy something for the oem xp lol

That's kind of odd how they would make you do that, but then again I know of a gas station that wont let you use their restrooms unless you buy something before hand. lol
AlanD911 said:
yea but won't it add a little boost of performance or would it hinder the whole system ?

I think it will do more bad than good.... You won't be able to OC as high because I think this ram is too weak to handle the kind of stuff you want to do with it. Thats why your PQI TCCD is awesome. I don't think this stuff is TCCD.