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JOURNAL- A64 system, FROM noob to ELITE (with pictures)

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it was like 109 dollars or something like that plus the ram which was like 30 bucks or so
Does anyone have a link to easy a64 overclocking guides? i know there is one in the forums but there has to be more. if yall do post em up so i can begin with my fun fun funerooo
AlanD911 said:
Does anyone have a link to easy a64 overclocking guides? i know there is one in the forums but there has to be more. if yall do post em up so i can begin with my fun fun funerooo

I don't know of any other than the guides that hitechjb posted.
That big jungle of wires sure does look elite to me :rolleyes:. Other than that and being conceded good job.

Ok im totally loving this system I finally got the router and internet hooked up to it and am completely happy with the speed its running at. im gonna try my hand at overclocking now and see how well it does :) wish me luck friends
nice system. My stuff is waiting for me at home now :D just gotta wait till the end of this week when uni breaks up for easter hehe.

Im dreaming of getting a cbbhd stepping but by now I have the feeling ill have better chances winning the lottary :(

you asked earlier to see what steppings you had and where to look, if you look on the cpu itself(or on the 1st piccy you posted of it lol) you can see the letters cbbhd, you got lucky hehe

(my specs in sig btw) this is also my first build hehe :s cant wait to get going

Ok I have another question why the heck does it say leadtech winfast vga bios when i load my computer. the leadtech product i have is the pci-e card
Hey all does anyone know how to set the memory to SPD and 100 on a dfi ultra-d
AlanD911 said:
how do i flash my bios and check to see my current bios version?

When you first load the computer, the first thing you should see in the upper-right cornor of the screen is your BIOS version (not sure if it's the same on everyone's computer, but that's where it is on mine).

AlanD911 said:
Ok I have another question why the heck does it say leadtech winfast vga bios when i load my computer. the leadtech product i have is the pci-e card

Thats ok... Thats your VGA's BIOS loading. Thats natural. It does it with all video cards whether it's PCI, AGP or PCI-E based.
AlanD911 said:

Ok im totally loving this system I finally got the router and internet hooked up to it and am completely happy with the speed its running at. im gonna try my hand at overclocking now and see how well it does :) wish me luck friends

Swweet man... Can't wait to see results, but BECAREFUL!!! Don't burn anything up. Watch your temps EXTREMELY closely. I would suggest setting the internal PC alarm to sound once your CPU goes over 60C just to be safe because 60C on WC, is not good. :p
creepy said:
That big jungle of wires sure does look elite to me :rolleyes:. Other than that and being conceded good job.

Don't be a jerk, he's just excited about his new toy. Btw, its "conceited" not "conceded". I don't think he has an unrealistic idea of his abilities. He plainly stated he was a noob.

Anyway, when you say that the computer says you only have 128MB of RAM, are you sure its not stating how much RAM your video card has? When my 'puter boots, first there is a video card ID screen, and it says what the card is and how much RAM it has, then it goes onto the POST screen, where it states the speed of the cpu, it might do a system memory check and then lists IDE devices before moving on into WinXp.

Hey guys ive been playing around in the bios and so far I've gotten the HTT to 268! But then when i boot into windows it automatically restarts. anyone know how to fix that