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JOURNAL- A64 system, FROM noob to ELITE (with pictures)

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Swatdog said:
Swweet man... Can't wait to see results, but BECAREFUL!!! Don't burn anything up. Watch your temps EXTREMELY closely. I would suggest setting the internal PC alarm to sound once your CPU goes over 60C just to be safe because 60C on WC, is not good. :p

are u talking about the cpu temp or case temp? cuz case temp is always in the 40s and cpu temp is always in the 30s lol

Im wondering what is the use of this chipset voltage controller it doesnt seem to give meany higher HTT when i increase the volts on it :( the LDT one helps tho
AlanD911 said:

Hey guys ive been playing around in the bios and so far I've gotten the HTT to 268! But then when i boot into windows it automatically restarts. anyone know how to fix that

Looks like your memory can't handle 268 at it's current timing. Try changing the memory timings around a bit, and redo it.
AlanD911 said:
are u talking about the cpu temp or case temp? cuz case temp is always in the 40s and cpu temp is always in the 30s lol

Im wondering what is the use of this chipset voltage controller it doesnt seem to give meany higher HTT when i increase the volts on it :( the LDT one helps tho

CPU... :) I don't know about that WC system of yours, but I would set the alarm just incase. Just a little insurance. :D

Good job so far though, seems like you're getting it!
Guess what??? Venice has been born:


Looks so awesome!

(Pic Source: http://www.xtremesystems.org/forums/showthread.php?t=56192)
I think my memory can only go around to 250 mhz but my htt can go to around 268 lol im still testing
Question: I noticed in the earlier pics that your two ram sticks were side by side. I only have a 3 dimm xp supporting board w/ dual channel, but shouldn't the ram be paired by the colors of the slots? I dunno, check you documentation.
DarkAssassin said:
Question: I noticed in the earlier pics that your two ram sticks were side by side. I only have a 3 dimm xp supporting board w/ dual channel, but shouldn't the ram be paired by the colors of the slots? I dunno, check you documentation.

Usually the right configuration are DIMMs 1 & 3 for Dual Channel.
DarkAssassin said:
Question: I noticed in the earlier pics that your two ram sticks were side by side. I only have a 3 dimm xp supporting board w/ dual channel, but shouldn't the ram be paired by the colors of the slots? I dunno, check you documentation.

yes the ram should be paired by the coloured slots. I made that mistake in the pics cuz i'm a noob in training :) lol i put my two 512 TCCD sticks in the orange slots and everything is all fine now.

Ok guys ive been fiddling with overclocking and this is a noob's job at overclocking using the most limited features on the motherboard. SO here are my results so far :p

AMD64's love tight timmings, you should find the highest stable speed your memory will do 2-2-2 and then use dividers to get your CPU up around 2700mhz.
Nother thing, your TRC will be best @ 10 or so, thats the A64 sweetspot :)

As for the other ones, I'd suggest 2-2-2-5 @ 240 or 250, these have been shown to be better(through benches) than a 2.5-3-3-7@280. Otherwise, not a bad clock, just give yourself a divider.

And before you intel n00bs ;) come in here about how Memory was not meant to be ran on a divider, with the A64 it already is, so shush.(CPU/10 is 1:1 for the 3200+)
CanadianTSi said:
AMD64's love tight timmings, you should find the highest stable speed your memory will do 2-2-2 and then use dividers to get your CPU up around 2700mhz.

what about the last digit? my memory tests were crap when i was running the tccd at 2-2-2-7 or 2-2-2-5 and I would only be able to pull around 210 mhz or so I cant remember. so i loosened the timings abit. If you would recommend a tighter timing what would you chose instead of my current setting

Ok well ive been testing this for awhile and it turned out 2.7 wasn't prime95 stable or superpi stable so i decided to bump it down to 2.65 which it was running primestable for 8 hours 19 minutes and superpi 1mil test stable.Also I had previously run memtest up to 285htt stable using these timings. BUT i decided i am not happy with 2.65 and want to overclock it past this limit.

Ok guys I need to know what it will take in order to boost this baby to my top memory mhz which is 285htt at 2.5-4-3-7 or close to that. I think it involves more voltage and the ldt voltage. So far i have the CPU voltage at 1.55 and the other ldt and chipset stock. What will it take to make the 2.7 or 2.75 clock safe? more voltage? if so on what.