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Just Conquered Half Life...

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I have the game that came with HL2 but something crazy is happening. When I went to play it there were all these levels unlocked. I think all the way up to the end with all these saves in there. When I tried to start a new game the player would move super fast and stop kind of like he was sliding on ice or something. I removed the game from steam and tried to re-download it but the same thing again. Where should I remove files from to get a fresh clean install? I don't want any cheats on either. I never used any for HL2.
Gameplay may win in the end...but better Graphics justifies the $300-$600 you just spent on that nice video card and the money you spent on that cpu upgrade. =)

But anyway, where's the oldschool Ultima fans at??!?! I still re-visit Ultima VII every now and then to experience that awesome gameplay once again.
I loved hl up until you got transported into Xen. Awful IMO. I beat Xen all the way through the first time but every time I'd play through it after that, I'd always call it a day after I finished the Lamda complex.

But yeah, before Xen, the game is phenomenal and still has gameplay value that far surpasses a good 95% of every game that's come out since. The add on packs like blue shift and Op force were great too but lacked that certain something that the original had.

The one thing that irks me though is lack of high res model support through steam. I've got all the old install disks and blue shift came with that higher resolution model and weapon pack. I've got the full valve bundle and for some reason, even after installing HL source, blue shift and op force, no high res models :(

I may just have to uninstall them and install them old school off the disk and get them that way.

but yeah, the whole fueling and firing the rocket part of HL was and probably still is my most memorable HL gaming experience from any of the series including HL2 and EP1. It was just so original, so entertaining and so perfectly executed.
www.steampowered.com said:
To install the model package, click on the install link below while Steam is running:

You can check that it has been installed by right clicking on the game in your Play Games menu and choose properties, under status it should list as HD Pack Enabled.

To uninstall the HD Pack, click on this link:

The Hi-Def Model Pack is only available for Half-Life, Half-Life: Blue Shift, and Opposing Force.

:) Hi-Def Pack for the win.
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there was a group of people who were porting the original half life into the Source engine. This will be a full conversion, not like HL:S. I can't find the website anymore, not sure if they gave up or if this is ongoing.

EDIT: here is the website
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Now that looks awesome. I hope they go through with it and release something. I'd love to play through the original HL1 with Source and Source's graphics capabilities.
Oh god I got stuck on the rocket fueling part for days.

I forgot to stack up the boxes over the electrified water before I turned the power on, so I spent like an hour going back and redoing what I did. Booooooooo.

Oh my GOD! Black Mesa Source looks INCREDIBLE. Xen could probably be the best if it's redone, and done right. I feel like originally Valve tried to give it that crazy "what the **** is going on?" feel, but i figure they were limited at the time with what computers could actually do.

I'm looking into this mod though, looks fun.

Personally, I find FarCry more enjoyable. However, that game has the stupiest ending.
Seven said:
Yes, Half Life's graphics basically did what HL2 did to DX9 graphics, although I don't even know if Direct X was even used, lol.

I just think above all the design of the game is friggin superb. Even when, for example, your train car's controls lock up and you careen through walls, taking out marines, before crashing into an abandoned part of the base, its still a really cool effect. I thought the big freight elevators that went down sideways were really cool, in addition to being a nice break in the action.

I felt like Xen could have been done a little bit better, but it did have the feeling of a strange border world.

But again, it's hard to critique a game that's been out for so long. The game, for the most part, is fantastic, and anybody can enjoy the gameplay.

Eh, screw direct x. played HL on a voodoo3 with glide!
I'm glad to see that somebody posted a link for the Black Mesa Source project. Lord knows that I'll download it and give it a go.

I've already completed HL1. I got it when I bought the HL2 mega pack. It was a good game.
I'm about to compare HL: Source and HL with the high def pack to see which one is better.

EDIT: I also, have never played the original Half Life. I just got the Half Life original from a friend, and I also downloaded the Source. The Source one doesn't look that much different, only minor improvements. :(. Ah well, at least I have the original. I'm gonna use the first Half Life to see if I can get my girlfriend playing FPS games. If there's any FPS that would do it, it's a Valve game.

EDIT#2: The High Def packed original looks slightly better than the Source. But not by much.
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Oni said:
I'm glad to see that somebody posted a link for the Black Mesa Source project. Lord knows that I'll download it and give it a go.

I've already completed HL1. I got it when I bought the HL2 mega pack. It was a good game.

It hasn't even been released yet.
squads said:
there was a group of people who were porting the original half life into the Source engine. This will be a full conversion, not like HL:S. I can't find the website anymore, not sure if they gave up or if this is ongoing.

EDIT: here is the website

Unbelievable!!! The screenshots in the media section are just mind boggling how faithfully they've been re-created. I'm so glad they didn't just re-skin the old maps. They made them all completelly from scratch... man alive the screens look SO good. Definately can't wait for this.

the only question mark I have regarding it is whether or not they'll be able to implement a lot of the newer source tricks that Valve is planning on unleashing to the players when EP2 comes out. Playing through the commentary mode of EP1, there's apparently quite a bit more magic unseen that the source engine is capable of that they are going to be implementing in EP2 and 3.

Makes me think that the BM team will be one step behind valve unless they've figured out what all the source engine can do and valve has just been holding out on us :confused:
Damn totally forgot about that mod. Think I'll hold off til that comes out. Im a graphics nut and like the look of the newer graphics in games (weather gameplay is good or bad its a sickness i know). That will look very good and can only hope its coming out soon :)
The ending was kinda dissipointing, come to think of it.

I dunno, that big headcrab fight was fun, but Nihilanth kinda just looked like a big floating fetus who shot energy balls.

The ending of Half Life 2 was great, but I have to say I love the little connections between G-man stories.

Also, some of the G-man sightings in HL are SO SWEET! Like he'll be on a train passing you, or will just watch as some crazy stuff goes down, straighten his tie, and walk off.

Man, HL is HARD!! Way harder than HL2 IMO. I been playing it all day now. Maybe I just suck, as I'm a bit out of practice. Haven't played FPs games in a few months since my AMD rig went down. I enjoyed HL2 much more, but HL is DEFINATELY impressive.

I'm literally ticked off that I missed this game back in the day. I don't know how I never ended up playing it, because it makes all the other games from that time look like a complete joke.
Wow, they've even redone the music for the original half life sounds.

I'm really excited to see what they do with Xen and all the other places where Valve could have done much better.
