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Just finished My Glowpad!!

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Jan 23, 2003
Ft Worth, TX
I finished a glowpad for my comp yesterday. What's everyone think? I used 2 of my 5v Blue LED's i had left over from when I changed the ones in my keyboard, mouse, case, and speakers.
For power I used an old USB cable and just cut off one end and stripped back the wires and soldered the led's in parallel straight to the cables 5v and ground wire. Everything was 5v so there was no need for any resistors.


The base is a piece of 1/2" thick lexan cut to 10"x9" and beveled 45 degrees on each edge. I will need to get to the store though and buy somthing for the surface of it because my optical wont track on the lexan. That's OK though, I'll be covering every thing except the edges which is all I wanted to glow anyway.
Can you post a clearer picture and also one with the lights on. I really cant see too much detail with that picture. It actually looks like something I can do with Photoshop. HAHA If you stare at it for too long you actually get a little dizzy.
It was atually pretty easy. the hardest part was dremeling out the channels for the LED's and the wiring.

BTW after I got every thing in the cut channels I hot glued it all in place.
trdsw20 said:
Can you post a clearer picture and also one with the lights on. I really cant see too much detail with that picture. It actually looks like something I can do with Photoshop. HAHA If you stare at it for too long you actually get a little dizzy.

I am working on it now. For some reason my digital just refuses to take in focus pics with no flash.
This is the best I can do with no flash:(

And with the lights on. :D



That rainbow effect is holographic window tinting left over from when I tinted my wifes vans windows.

Edit: Alright this one made my 4th STAR:D
TheGhengisKhan said:
does it track with the optical now that you put the window-tint on it?

No, I will have to cover at least part of the surface with somthing so the optical has somthing to track on.
mmm, maybe you could try putting the tint on the bottom of the pad, and roughing up the top with some 600grit sandpaper, just enough to give the mouse something to bounce it's light off. if nothing else, it'll let whatever you stick on it later stick a little better if it doesn't work.
TheGhengisKhan said:
mmm, maybe you could try putting the tint on the bottom of the pad, and roughing up the top with some 600grit sandpaper, just enough to give the mouse something to bounce it's light off. if nothing else, it'll let whatever you stick on it later stick a little better if it doesn't work.

Your not to far off. I roughed up the bottom with 400 grit sandpaper so it would not slide around. So I just flpped it over to try it out and it would not even move the mouse pointer. At least on the tinting side the mouse tracks a little. I'm thinking of adding a 2nd coat of tinting or maybe taking the layer off that's on their now then painting the top black or maybe silver then reapplying the tinting.
Well i will most likley go with my original idea and get one of those ultra thin 3M pads, cut it to fit and tack(glue) it in place in the corners. Just got to hit the store.
Well I went to Target's and got lucky , they were clearancing out the 3M precision mouse pads. So not only did I get it for $2.86 instead of the regular $9.99, it's also the right color. A little silicone on the corners to tack it down and walla a nice mousing surface.
bluepad A.jpg
bluepad B.jpg

As a good bonus it's thin enough that I can see the LED's shining through it.

BTW I dug out the the tripod so I could hold the camera still enough to get a decent pic of the pad with the lights off and no flash. Hope it looks better :D
Much better Im not getting dizzy on that last picture. I think it came out great. What was the material that you were using earlier Plexy? Lexan ? Its a good thing that you didnt sand the top I dont think the mouse would have glided as well.

Good Job

BTW you know your obligated to right a short guide now right!!!JK
Paradoxmaker said:
The base is a piece of 1/2" thick lexan cut to 10"x9" and beveled 45 degrees on each edge. I will need to get to the store though and buy somthing for the surface of it because my optical wont track on the lexan. That's OK though, I'll be covering every thing except the edges which is all I wanted to glow anyway.

Awesome finished product you got there
:drool: :drool: :drool:

I plan on doing a similar mod, though I'll go about it a little differently. I'll buy the mousepad first ( thanks to Paradoxmaker for figuring out first that a roughed up surface still won't work for an optical mouse :D ) then I'll add 1/4" Lexan under it so I'll shape the Lexan to match the mousepad.
can you post a close-up of the led's wired to the usb cable? I was planning on doing the exact same thing (powering the leds by usb) and wasn't quite sure how to hook em up.