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Killing FAH!

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Overclockers Team Content Editor
Jun 17, 2005
Thought that title might grab your attention:p

I'm working on a FAH Manager. My goal of version one of the manager is just to have the ability (in windows, linux version will come soon) for you to tell it to watch for a process name and if the name(/application) launches it will shut down FAH for you.

For example when I do video editting sometimes I forget to shut down FAH. Now most of the time it doesn't make a difference, but a few times when I have/had some of the large memory units, you quickly can tell.

My question is if I run the command kill FAH504-Console.exe, will this save the work unit? Will it cause a proper shutdown? I remember reading about if you kill the process it can cause a corrupt WU, but I thought that was if you killed the core? If I can't simply kill the counsle, means I have more work to do.
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Bassed on what i think happens when you restart / shutdown a rig mid WU, killing console will close the core, and revert to the last save point.

I think there may be better ways to do this though... such as a batch file that sends the pause command to the FAH console is executed when a given application, or any item on a list of applications is fired up.
EDIT: Then of course have the same app that triggered the batch file resume FAH once the intensive apps are finished with.
Sleepy_Steve said:
Bassed on what i think happens when you restart / shutdown a rig mid WU, killing console will close the core, and revert to the last save point.

I think there may be better ways to do this though... such as a batch file that sends the pause command to the FAH console is executed when a given application, or any item on a list of applications is fired up.
EDIT: Then of course have the same app that triggered the batch file resume FAH once the intensive apps are finished with.

My first thought was to use a batch file to set the "net stop FAHservicename"...the only problem with that is the user will have to enter the name of the service, as I don't know how to grab the name of the FAH service.
Stopping the service allows FAH to save all it's junk and pick up where it left off. Killing it may or may not corrupt the WU so I would definatly stop the service. Do realize that it will take a couple seconds for FAH to come to a complete stop.

What are you programming this in?
seadave77 said:
Stopping the service allows FAH to save all it's junk and pick up where it left off. Killing it may or may not corrupt the WU so I would definatly stop the service. Do realize that it will take a couple seconds for FAH to come to a complete stop.

What are you programming this in?

Yeah, I thought I would have to end up stopping the service, but I had hope that maybe killing the Console would be like stopping it...A few seconds for it to stop is fine, as *most* the time by the time the program is loaded FAH should have stopped.

I'm writting this in Java, manly because once I have it done, all I have to do is change the Java Native Interface (JNI) commands from windows to linux, and even OSX if I knew someone with OSX I could test it on.
davekusa said:
Make a GUI manager. Everytime my wife swiches user on XP is closes my GUI console.

So you want a manager that will keep your GUI FaH running?
start > run > "services.msc" > right click on your FAH services, and click stop.

That will shut them down without loosing your WU or corrupting it.

Can you make a batch script that will run that? Im sure its simple
hitbyaprkedcar7 said:
start > run > "services.msc" > right click on your FAH services, and click stop.

That will shut them down without loosing your WU or corrupting it.

Can you make a batch script that will run that? Im sure its simple

Yeah thats how I'm having to shut down the client. Only thing is now I have to get the name of the users FAH service. Not a big deal just one more step. I'm almost done with my alpha version. I've got all the code written except for the restarting of the service. I hope to post it up tonight.