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KT7A-RAID Question

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Dec 21, 2000
Hi All, Can anyone tell me what the beep codes are for the KT7a Raid? I booted up my system today and got a long beep till my pc shut down,it took about 2-3 sec. I can't find anything in the manual on this.I know for my old P3V4X it meant "No Ram detected" and I figuered it might be the same with this board and I moved the dimm to another slot (i had this trouble the first time i tryed booting this pc Last Sunday) If anyone can give me some insight into this problem i'd apperciate it.
T-Bird 1000@1200 133x9 25C Idel 35C Full load
Abit KT7A-Raid
128 megs of Micron ram
G2 GTS 32 megs
pci 128 sound card
I'm thinking about getting a 256 stick of Kingmax ram I saw on Price Watch cas2 because Im thinking it might be my ram thats causing the trouble,tell me what you think and Thx for the help.
I've had that a few times too. I think it's not having high enough voltage set for the frequency increase mainly on the i/o setting. When I cleared the cmos through the jumper and changed settings everything worked out. Any other suggestions?
I'v had my cpu fan hookedup to the no.1 header from the first day,but it still did it today when I first booted.It gave along beep for about 2-3 sec. then shut down,I hit the power button again and it booted up fine. Maybe a bug in the board?