Me (Jun 12, 2001 03:01 p.m.):
I bought one from comp usa to test it out and i didnt like it at all. My other video card which is a voodoo3 overclock to 195 mhz is just as fast and not sluggish at all like the kyro 2 when playing unreal t or quake 3 games. The kyro 2 is mostly cpu dependent so if you have anything over 1000mhz tbird it might be a good deal. but if i were you has the geforce2 gts pr 32meg ddr for 135 with free shipping. That card will get 20-30 frames per sec in games more then the kyro 2. I think thats the only thing that might blow my voodoo 3 is either a geforce gts pro w/ ddr or the ultra and geforce3. Im waiting for one more price drop then im going to probbly get one