Received all components(MB, CPU, HSF, SDRAM; 128Mb) and started set up!
T-Bird 750 MHz and closed bridges(only took three hrs and if I hadn't used masking I would still be at it) with Permatex RWD repair kit. Permatex is a (highly volatile) sovent based product and if you don't get it from the applicator to the bridge, pronto, you end up with the conducting material solidified to the applicator and transfer to the bridges won't happen.
In hast, and to avoid soldification to the applicator, got disasterious results(All L1 and and some L2 cross-connected). Cleaned multiple times with acetone. Found the only way to move on was to mask with, an old stand-by; ScotchTape. Works good if you allow time between maskings(10 -20 min; over connected bridges) so the tape does not peel off the applied Permatex.
Finally successful( I hope); installed CPU and HSF; SDRAM and installed MB into case. Made necessary connections and installed video card.
Power up and wallah, good post(maybe)! Screen shows MB recognition of CPU as 700Mhz(NOT 750) and SDRAM at 131+ Mb(memory test)
Should I be concerned about these post results or just move on (I am assuming that fouled up bridge connections, crossing L1's, would have resulted in much worse) ???
Have a 20G hard drive to transfer; someone mentioned deletion of registry entries(hardware) to accomplish smooth transfer without the need to reinstall all software from scratch. Would appreciate a link to the appropriate RegEdit commands.
So far so Good; I think!!!
All comments will be appreciated.
T-Bird 750 MHz and closed bridges(only took three hrs and if I hadn't used masking I would still be at it) with Permatex RWD repair kit. Permatex is a (highly volatile) sovent based product and if you don't get it from the applicator to the bridge, pronto, you end up with the conducting material solidified to the applicator and transfer to the bridges won't happen.
In hast, and to avoid soldification to the applicator, got disasterious results(All L1 and and some L2 cross-connected). Cleaned multiple times with acetone. Found the only way to move on was to mask with, an old stand-by; ScotchTape. Works good if you allow time between maskings(10 -20 min; over connected bridges) so the tape does not peel off the applied Permatex.
Finally successful( I hope); installed CPU and HSF; SDRAM and installed MB into case. Made necessary connections and installed video card.
Power up and wallah, good post(maybe)! Screen shows MB recognition of CPU as 700Mhz(NOT 750) and SDRAM at 131+ Mb(memory test)
Should I be concerned about these post results or just move on (I am assuming that fouled up bridge connections, crossing L1's, would have resulted in much worse) ???
Have a 20G hard drive to transfer; someone mentioned deletion of registry entries(hardware) to accomplish smooth transfer without the need to reinstall all software from scratch. Would appreciate a link to the appropriate RegEdit commands.
So far so Good; I think!!!
All comments will be appreciated.