Newby2OC (Apr 13, 2001 07:18 a.m.):
Steve (Apr 11, 2001 08:11 a.m.):
I have a FOP-32 and the noise although noticible isn't bad.... according to the specs the FOP-32 is about 38dBa and the WBK-38 or FOP-38 is about 43dBa.... just curious is this jump in the noise alot? I know this is really a tough question to answer on a bulliten board....
This is actually quite an easy question to answer from a point of view of sound increase, the rule is for ever increase of 3db you double the sound
i.e your FOP32 = 38db @ 41db it is twice as loud and @ 44db it is 4 times as loud (1x2)(x2) sound is logrithmic and increases expedentially.
now back to reality lets say for arguement sake that the fan you get is 41db even though it is only twice as loud, depending on the pitch it could sound loud or softer depending on your ears.
So the question isn't so much how loud is it, it should be what can I stand...
I came across a site earlier that actually gave you sample sounds of the different fans, if I can find it again I will post it....