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Lexan Window question

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May 2, 2003
If I were to cut out a window in the side of my case is it possible to mill out some of the lexan, so there is a plane of raised lexan that will fit inside the actual opening, but with still enough backing to glue the lexan to the inside of the case.
I hate that ugly black rubber molding, what I want is to not have a ledge between the lexan of the window and the edge of the case, where the window was cut out.
Please let me know if my question is not specific or explained enough.
It would be possible with a router table or if your hands are steady a regular router would work.

Anyone have the router table setup for the dremel? I would think this would be quite easy since the depth of the cut is minute.
yah, like 0.8mm is the thickness of the case I am looking at buying. If I could mill out enough to have the lexan sit in the opening that would be great. In fact that would be the only way I would put a window in my case. Then I just glue (generously) the rest of the lexan that is touching the case side on the inside.

Anyone else have comments?
I want as much feedback as possible.
it would definatly be possible with a router table as long as it was just a square/round/rectangular window. any type of design would be very hard to do
You would want to use a free moving router not a table, this would allow you to do more complex shapes and designs.

I would recomend making a template of the shape you want using another peice of acrylic or luon (thin fiber board) to act as a guide.

I have used the dremels router bits but never the router table.

This is an excelent idea to make a refined look to the case.
your gonna have to have some damn good metal cutting skills and some damn good plexi/lexan skills... otherwise its going to look like hell because ull have little gaps here and there.. thats what that black molding is for... to cover up the mistakes... i hate the black molding too.. what i did is cut a square in the side.. drilled a hole at each corner.. used 4 motherboard standoffs in the holes.. then cut a peice of plexi slightly larger than my metal square... drilled matching holes for screwing the plexi into the standoffs... the effect is pretty cool... basically you have a square of plexi about 1/4" off the metal... good for airflow and internal lighting looks nice as well
What I am going to do is put a small rectangular window in the side of my case, but the corners will not be a 90 degrees, I am goign to take like a 80mm holesaw and drill 4 holes and connect the dots.
Before I do anything, I am going to get a scrap piece of metal, or two of the same thickness and type and test my idea before I ruin my case.
I am going to put a small window in the side of my case, I am going with a MicroATX Intel D850EM Motherboard w/ 800Mhz RDRAM and a 400Mhz FSB w/ a 24Ghz P4 w/ 512k of L2 Cache.
If the window does not work out I will replace the entire side of the case with lexan, and go from there.

Do they make router bits that cut away at 80 degrees? I want a square corner on the lexan that is left to sit inside the opening, I don't want a bezel'd corner.

Thanks for the info, I'll take some more though!
cerberus said:
your gonna have to have some damn good metal cutting skills and some damn good plexi/lexan skills... otherwise its going to look like hell because ull have little gaps here and there.. thats what that black molding is for... to cover up the mistakes... i hate the black molding too.. what i did is cut a square in the side.. drilled a hole at each corner.. used 4 motherboard standoffs in the holes.. then cut a peice of plexi slightly larger than my metal square... drilled matching holes for screwing the plexi into the standoffs... the effect is pretty cool... basically you have a square of plexi about 1/4" off the metal... good for airflow and internal lighting looks nice as well

Any chance of getting some pics of this?
I meant 90 degrees, thats what I get for not checking my spelling before replying.
