If I were to cut out a window in the side of my case is it possible to mill out some of the lexan, so there is a plane of raised lexan that will fit inside the actual opening, but with still enough backing to glue the lexan to the inside of the case.
I hate that ugly black rubber molding, what I want is to not have a ledge between the lexan of the window and the edge of the case, where the window was cut out.
Please let me know if my question is not specific or explained enough.
If I were to cut out a window in the side of my case is it possible to mill out some of the lexan, so there is a plane of raised lexan that will fit inside the actual opening, but with still enough backing to glue the lexan to the inside of the case.
I hate that ugly black rubber molding, what I want is to not have a ledge between the lexan of the window and the edge of the case, where the window was cut out.
Please let me know if my question is not specific or explained enough.