Logitech Z-2300: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Produ...m_re=Logitech_speakers-_-36-121-122-_-Product
JVC MX-GB6: http://www.amazon.com/JVC-MX-GB6-Compact-System-Carousel/dp/B0002HBT3S
I currently use the JVC MX-GB6 for my computer spekaers threw an AUX port.
I was wondering if these Logitech Z-2300's would be a upgrade from the JVC's. But I got a feeling the people who I'm getting suggestions from actually know what the hell they're talking about. The only thing I know about this person is his avatar name / picture. For all I know the person behind it could be a 12 year old wannabe audiophile without a clue. Instead of coming off like an *** (if i already haven't) I would like for anyone that makes a suggestion to post there tech level. And that you are at least 18 or older.
If it's such a small upgrade that only a audiophile would notice I'm not gonna waste my hard earned money which seems to come by rarely these days.
Also I'm planning on getting this http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16829271001
just wanted to throw that last part out there
JVC MX-GB6: http://www.amazon.com/JVC-MX-GB6-Compact-System-Carousel/dp/B0002HBT3S
I currently use the JVC MX-GB6 for my computer spekaers threw an AUX port.
I was wondering if these Logitech Z-2300's would be a upgrade from the JVC's. But I got a feeling the people who I'm getting suggestions from actually know what the hell they're talking about. The only thing I know about this person is his avatar name / picture. For all I know the person behind it could be a 12 year old wannabe audiophile without a clue. Instead of coming off like an *** (if i already haven't) I would like for anyone that makes a suggestion to post there tech level. And that you are at least 18 or older.
If it's such a small upgrade that only a audiophile would notice I'm not gonna waste my hard earned money which seems to come by rarely these days.
Also I'm planning on getting this http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16829271001
just wanted to throw that last part out there