Wow Ziggo0. If i had a brother like that, i'd find a way to block his PC from getting to that game anymore. Seriously, if someone says their going to kill themselfs because they can't play a game, then they don't deserve to play the game anymore.
I couldn't get into WoW either mysef. Not my style game. though, i LOVE Eve-online.
luckely, i'm not ungodly addicted to eve. i'll go 3 -4 days without playing it. I'll spend my weekends with my g/f ( if she isn't working ), or hang out with a few friends.
BUT, i have a friend, who's addicted to wow. multiple level 60 characters. always raiding. Lets call him "Sam". Well another friend of mine ( we'll call him "matt" ), got into WoW because of sam.
so NOW, sam drags his laptop to matts house, and they both sit there, playing WoW non-stop. every day, whenever they arn't working, or in college.
sam evidently has only a few classes in college, and doesn't work. And matt works part-time.
luckely, matt isn't as addicted. Matt will still come over and visit, he now has a new G/F. But sam is a total addict. he hasn't had a g/f in almost 2 years now ( coincidince? ), Whenever our DND group would get together, half the time we'd have to wait for sam, because he was in the middle of a raid, and we'd have to start our gaming without him, wait 2 hours for him to show up, Or just play without him. and he has one of the most important characters in our DND games. it sucked! and we ALL were getting royally Ticked off.
He used to come over with his guitar, and matt would come over with his bass, and they'd jam out while i had my drum-set still put together. and we'd screw around. havn't done that in well over a year.
I barly visit them, because they are doing the SAME thing every time i visit. Both on each of their PC's playing WoW.
i had another friend who plays wow. But he's in college, and works full-time. He now plays wow for fun, and is less...addicted to it as he used to be. but thats ONLY because he HAS to do the other things first.
i played the beta when it was out. couldn't get into it that well. Then my dad bought the game about 6 months ago. so i figured i'd give it a shot as well. i couldn't even make it through the 14 day trial period before i bored, cancelled my account, and quit.