Mechanical keys are the way to go bar none. For clicky, you want "blue" keys. Note that the different colors denote what they are and not the color that you see. Some have a click built in and some do not. Some have stronger or weaker springs to make them easier or harder to press depending on your tastes. I went with "brown" because I don't like the click sound. Now I do bottom out on each key stroke so I get a loud "clack" but no "click".
Aside from the key type, you may also be interested in the roll-over spec. This relates to how many keys can be pressed at once and have each key respond. The cheap keyboards of yesterday had a low roll-over which meant that when you pressed a group of keys fast enough, some would not register creating typing errors.
The next thing is RGB. Some keyboards have none. Some have "a" color or two. Some have areas of the keyboard with different colors and some allow you to change the color for each key.
I bought a Corsair branded keyboard some time back and love it still to this day. I'm putting a link below but I did NOT pay that price. That price is high but it will give you something to look at and compare to.
Edit: Here is a guide from Cherry MX on what each "color" represents in terms of mechanical switches. There are other makers of these but they tend to keep a similar color naming scheme.
I'm digging this site for better understanding of mechanical switches.