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SOLVED Looking for QUIET fan...

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This is not strictly speaking a computer question, but I feel the hardware I'm looking for will be most familiar to readers of this forum (I don't care how loud my PC gets).
I'm looking to replace the cooling fan inside my Denon receiver with something quieter.
Any suggestions as to which manufacturer I should contact for a fan which can move air in total (or near total) silence?
Are we talking Papst? Sunon? Any input will be appreciated.


Pat, there are more fans out there than you can shake a stick at. Start off by measuring the size of the fan you currently have. That will yield the size you need to work with. Within each size group of fans, IE 60mm, 80mm, 92mm, 120mm, etc., there are fans to consider. Some excel at total volume of air they deliver, regardless of noise. Some offer a compromise between volume of air and noise and some concentrate purely on minimum noise. Keep in mind that typically, the better they move air, the greater the noise. There is no such thing as a totally quiet fan. If you have some lattitude in placement of the fan, you may be able to use a more quiet fan, with less airflow to get the job done. There are just so many variables in the equation that you need to give us more specifics and then the replies will come.

This is a generalization, do not take it as gospel. Sunons are nice, but noisy. The brands with a reputation of being quieter are Panaflow and YS tech. Most of the other ones depend on size, speed and model. The other thing you can to is lower the voltage to the fan. This makes it spin slower and quieter, but decreases its cooling ability.
Thanks for all the input.
I've visited the Sunon and YS Tech sites, but there are no specs or listings for the noise generated.
I'll start by opening up the Denon and checking out the specs on the fan (size etc.) and take it from there.
I'll keep you posted. If anyone else wants to list a specific brandname/model of fans that he or she knows to be very quiet, please do so.
Thanks again.
does your dennon fan run on 12v you might want to check that out. Some reciever fans run off 120 ac. If so I would check out radioshack ... it sounds funny but their 120v ac fans are very quiet. You might also go over to www.hometheaterforum.com go to the hardware section and aske there.
