I had a problem which I have never seen before and I been a systems administrator for about 5 years. I had this 4.2GB Fujitsu drive that I was trying to clear off. It had a primary partition, and an extended partition with no logical disks specified. I tried to delete the extended partition but I kept getting an error saying that I couldn't delete the extended partition with logical drives existing. So I try to delete the logical drives, but there aren't any. So I was stuck on it for an hour. I got desperate and decided to surf the web. I would a site that had very little info but had just what I needed. The site specified that there are undocumented switches that work with FDISK. I already knew that there was an /MBR switch to repair the master boot record, because I has to use it many times. I found much more! I was able to force fdisk to create a logical partition from the command line, Then I was able to delete the logical, extended, then finally the primary partition. I though that you may find these useful and could possibly post them on your site for people like me that happened to surf in to find hard to find info. Here they are:
Undocumented or little known FDISK parameters:
FDISK 1/PRI:100 - Command line to create a 100 meg DOS partition on hard
drive 1.
FDISK 1/EXT:500 - Command line to create a 500 meg extended DOS partition
on hard drive 1.
FDISK 1/LOG:250 - Command line to create a 250 logical drives.
FDISK /MBR - Repair the master boot record.
FDISK /X - Ignores extended disk-access support. Use this switch if you receive disk access or stack overflow messages.