Well, I hooked up ye ol' circuit, and the fan ran but didn't vary speeds when I turned the TT pot up and down. Measure it again with the ohmmeter, and found out it was dead. So I took it apart, and guess what? I found the third leg. It was heatshrinked over. So now I have to replace it. Which stinks, but it looks like a pretty standard pot, so hopefully I'll be able to find one that will fit in its place.
I'm gonna shoot for a 10k pot, since that's what it was, and everything is supposed to work out that way. But if you think I should get a different value, let me know.
Thanks again
I'm gonna shoot for a 10k pot, since that's what it was, and everything is supposed to work out that way. But if you think I should get a different value, let me know.
Thanks again