How are SPL/Decibels measured?
I've a "hearing problem", ostensibly unable (multiple licensed audiologists) to heard "low level" sounds but the sounds from a new Zalman cnps8000 and a stock nVidia GEForce 6600 (PCIe) are enraging individually.
My Extech 407727 sound level meter cuts off at 40dB.
Zalman purports less than 28dB even without the FANMATE set to its lowest level.
What can I use in the less than $100 range to measure the dB/SPL of the devices mentioned?
Since I cannot rely upon the published specifications of the dB levels of the Zalman cooler how do I select a replacement cooling system for the NVIDIA controller?
Is there some method to turn off the power (without physical disasembly) in the bios to the NVIDIA controller and use the onboard controller?
Redirection to another forum area is certainly acceptable.
thank you
I've a "hearing problem", ostensibly unable (multiple licensed audiologists) to heard "low level" sounds but the sounds from a new Zalman cnps8000 and a stock nVidia GEForce 6600 (PCIe) are enraging individually.
My Extech 407727 sound level meter cuts off at 40dB.
Zalman purports less than 28dB even without the FANMATE set to its lowest level.
What can I use in the less than $100 range to measure the dB/SPL of the devices mentioned?
Since I cannot rely upon the published specifications of the dB levels of the Zalman cooler how do I select a replacement cooling system for the NVIDIA controller?
Is there some method to turn off the power (without physical disasembly) in the bios to the NVIDIA controller and use the onboard controller?
Redirection to another forum area is certainly acceptable.
thank you