Ok, it seems some people are confused still by what I'm trying to convey... In the interest of open communication, I'm going to re-post my PM to deeppow: (with some typographical corrections, hehe)
Here lies the problem:
The memory interface on an Intel system is driven from the northbridge, not the CPU. I definitely know you're aware of this, as you've been doing this bit for a while now
Ok, so now you have two busses: A bus between the CPU and northbridge, and a bus between MEM and northbridge. We commonly refer to the bus between CPU and northbridge as the front-side bus -- but you of course know this too
Now, obvious statement #1: if the CPU->NB bus is running at speed (X), and the MEM->NB bus is also at the same speed (X), then your CPU (and all the processes therein) can use the full memory bandwidth available -- minus any minor losses / overhead involved in the workings of the northbridge.
Here's obvious statement #2: if the CPU->NB bus is running at speed (X), and the MEM->NB bus is running at the lesser speed (X - 1), then again your CPU can use the full memory bandwidth available. Of course, minus the slight overhead from the NB...
Here's the statement I feel you're missing: if the CPU->NB bus is running at speed (X), and the MEM->NB bus is running at a greater speed (X + 1), now your CPU cannot use the full memory bandwidth available. The pipe between NB and CPU is simply not the same size, and as such the data cannot be transmitted / received at the same rate.
That third scenario is what happens when you use a memory ratio that is greater than one (3:4, 3:5, 4:5, 5:6). You are running the bus between NB->MEM faster than the CPU can interact, essentially giving you zero benefit. Of course, it's not PURELY zero benefit, as other things interact directly with the NB that need access -- think DMA transfers.
But DMA transfers are a very small slice of the pie, and the improvement by doing so is incredibly small -- which explains the findings in the article you wrote.
If CPU->NB bus is not at least as fast as the MEM->NB bus, then for the most part you're simply wasting power and increasing heat for no obvious gain.